Cara Install Windows XP dengan menggunakan USB Flashdisk.

Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011 · 0 komentar

File-file yang dibutuhkan:
1. CD Windows XP
2. Flashdisk (kapasitas minimal 1 giga)
3. File USB_PREP8 yang bisa didownload di :
4. File PeToUSB yang bisa didownload di :
5. File Bootsect.exe yang bisa didownload di :
6. 1 set Komputer yang pake Sistem Operasi Windows (misalnya Windows XP).
Setelah semuanya siap, langkah berikutnya adalah:
Misalnya kita udah buat folder baru di drive C: dengan nama foldernya xpacer
Copy file dan di folder xpacer
Jadi di drive C:\xpacer ada 3 file ya.
Ekstrak file
caranya, klik kanan pada file tsb lalu pilih “Extract Here”
Ekstrak file
caranya, klik kanan pada file tsb lalu pilih “Extract Here”
Ekstrak file
caranya, klik kanan pada file tsb lalu pilih “Extract Here”
Copy file PeToUSB.exe ke folder USB_prep8
Klik dua kali file usb_prep8.cmd yang ada didalam folder USB_prep8
Nanti akan muncul “Press any key to continue” yang artinya “pencet apa aja dah. terserah lu”
Setelah dipencet akan tampil windows PeToUSB. Jangan tutup apapun! biarkan saja ya.
INGAT!!! File di USB Flashdisk anda harus diformat.
Kalo ada datanya, silahkan di backup dulu datanya atau di copy ke komputer anda.
Kalo udah, silahkan klik Start untuk mengformat Flashdisk
Setelah proses format selesai, jangan ditutup ya windowsnya.
Pada desktop, klik Start, pilih Run, ketik cmd (lalu tekan Enter atau klik OK)
ketik CD\ (lalu tekan “Enter”)
ketik cd xpacer
ketik cd bootsect
ketik bootsect.exe /nt52 I: (I adalah drive USB)
jadi kalo drive USB kamu adalah E berarti kamu harus ketik :
bootsect.exe /nt52 E: (lalu tekan “Enter”)
Kalo berhasil, nanti akan muncul tulisan “Bootcode was successfully updated on all targeted volumes.”
Tutup Command Prompt yang ini (jangan yang usbprep8 ya!!)
Tutup juga windows PeToUSB.
Pada windows Command Prompt yang usbprep8, tepatnya ditulisan Enter your choice :
Ketik angka 1 lalu tekan Enter. Silahkan browse ke drive CD Windows XP
Ketik angka 2 lalu tekan Enter. Masukkan huruf yang belum terpakai untuk nama drive, misalnya T
Ketik angka 3 lalu tekan Enter. Masukkan huruf tempat drive USB Flashdisk anda. misalnya H
Ketik angka 4 lalu tekan Enter. Mulai Proses copy ke USB Flashdisk.
Nanti ada pertanyaan apakah anda ingin mengformat drive T. Ketik “ y ” (tanpa tanda Petik) lalu tekan enter.
Kalo udah tekan ” Enter “ lagi untuk melanjutkan.
Trus tekan “Enter” lagi.
Nanti akan muncul popup, klik aja yes.
Klik yes lagi kalo ada popup yang muncul.
Klik yes untuk melakukan unmount virtual drive.
OK. Proses selesai.
Silahkan tutup windows Command prompt usbprep8
USB sudah bisa dipakai untuk melakukan instalasi Windows XP ke Acer Aspire One.
Sekarang colokin USB Flashdisk kamu ke laptop
Jangan lupa di laptopnya boot pertama kali pilih yang boot dari USB.
Caranya? pas nyalain laptopnya, trus tekan F12.
Nah udah masuk BIOS kan? yang layarnya warna biru tuh…
Bootnya pilih yang USB ya.
Nah, nanti pas instalasi, pilih yang mode TEXT SETUP.
Saya anggap semua dah pada tau cara install XP, jadi tidak usah saya jelasin lagi disini.
intinya ya kamu harus buat/hapus partisi, trus formatnya pilih yang NTFS.
setelah komputer lu restart, selanjutnya pilih yang GUI Mode (JANGAN yang TEXT MODE!!)
kalo restart lagi, pilih lagi yang GUI MODE.
Nah, kalo instalasi XP udah selesai, jangan cabut USB Flashdisk ya!
Kalo udah masuk ke desktop XP, baru deh boleh cabut Flashdisknya.
Jangan lupa di “Safely Remove Hardware” dulu ya..
Karena XPnya udah jalan, nanti di BIOS di balikin lagi ya booting-nya ke hardisk.
Semoga tutorial ini bermanfaat.
Saya tunggu komentarnya ya…………………….
READ MORE - Cara Install Windows XP dengan menggunakan USB Flashdisk.

Vacancy Human Resources Officer

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International NGO seeks a Human Resources Officer for an initial 3 (three) month period position with a possibility of extension. He/she will work under the supervision of Head of Finance and Administration and assist with the daily operation and implementation of an IFES project. The position is Jakarta based and full time. Anticipated start is 4 August 2011.
IFES is an international, nonprofit organization that supports the building of democratic societies. IFES promotes democratic stability by providing technical assistance and applying field-based research to the electoral cycle in countries around the world to enhance citizen participation and strengthen civil societies, governance and transparency. Founded in 1987 as a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization, IFES has developed and implemented comprehensive, collaborative democracy solutions in more than 120 countries.
IFES Indonesia has received AusAID funding to support the strengthening of the electoral environment in Indonesia. The project is currently fully funded for nine months starting 1 August 2011, but expects to have new funding from the same donor to at least through the 2014 national elections. The program provides assistance to stakeholders such as the KPU and national civic society organizations. The program will have two internationals and 10 national professional staff and is situated in the business district on Jl. Sudirman.
Responsibilities include:
• Assisting the implementation of HR related programs and policies regarding personnel such as advertising job positions, recruitment, processing applications, verifying employment, staff contracts, and compensation schedule in compliance with organization's policies, contracts, laws, and agreements;
• Conducting employee orientation programs like introducing personnel, employment benefits, payroll, assisting in filling of enrollment forms, notifies employees on health and compensation benefits;
• Maintain complete human resources records in both electronic and hard copy formats in accordance with standard procedures and systems;
• Ensure that all personnel records, time sheets, leave balance and medical benefit records are accurate and are maintained in a secure environment which protects the privacy of each employee;
• Develop and maintain a secure electronic database which tracks sick leave, annual leave and comp. time entitlements for each employee;
• Develop and maintain a method for advising individual employees of their payroll and benefit entitlements, on a monthly base;
• Undertake other tasks as directed and as deemed appropriate by Head of Finance Administration or Chief of Party.
Applicants should have:
• Fluency in English and Bahasa Indonesia, both written and oral;
• At least 5 years or comparable HR experience of working in international environment;
• A High level of self-motivation and ability to work autonomously within a fast-paced environment; Strong analytical skills;
• Excellent interpersonal and organizational skills;
• An immediate availability;
• A university degree.

If you are interested in applying for this position, please submit your letter of application and detailed resume at the latest on 3 August 2011 to: Please put the position you apply on the subject of the email. Only application in English will be accepted. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. No phone inquiries.
READ MORE - Vacancy Human Resources Officer

Save the Children vacancy: Receptionist/Admin Assistant post

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Save the children is a leading non profit humanitarian relief and
development organization working in more than 120 countries throughout
the world. Our mission is to create lasting, positive change in the
lives of children in need. Save the Children has grown enormously in the
country and today we operate in 13 provinces across Indonesia. Our
program approach now brings long term and sustainable benefits to more
Indonesian children and we work to establish effective, self-sustaining
approaches to issues related to child protection, health, education,
livelihoods, emergency response and disaster risk reduction. Save the
Children partners with children, communities, local organizations and
the government of Indonesia to transform the lives of Indonesia children
and their families. Currently Save the Children has an immediate need
for junior level/fresh graduate staff to be a part of our Support team
and will be based in Jakarta.

Receptionist/Admin Assistant (code: RAA Jkt) - 1 post based in Jakarta

The incumbent will support the front office function and administrative

Core Duties and responsibilities are as follow:

1. Keep the reception area in neat and representative condition

2. Greet visitors and direct them to designated staff

3. Take incoming calls and forward them to specific extension

4. Assist Jakarta staff in ordering taxi, record taxi voucher
circulation and compile document for payment

5. Record and distribute incoming letters

6. Record outgoing letters/packages and coordinate with courier
service provider for delivery and compile document for payment.

7. Record incoming mails, invoices and faxes and distribute them as

8. Assist the Jakarta team in preparing logistics for meetings,
events etc.

9. Updated telephone extension and contact list

10. Filing to administration paperwork

11. Prepare logistics/asset related documents, forms, etc.

12. Assist in office billing payments

13. Assist in office maintenance.

Requirements of skilled and experiences:

* Diploma degree from secretary or social science with 1 year
experience in the area (fresh graduates are encourage to apply)

* Proficiency both in English and bahasa Indonesia

* Good understanding of handling administration system in the
office specially International NGO

* Highly organize and time management

* Computer skills

* Self Starter, pro-active, flexible & Ability to take

* Good Interpersonal and communication skill

* Cultural sensitivity and ability to work without regard to
religious, ethnic and cultural differences

Updated CV and application letter should be sent to Please fill the "subject" column of the
e-mails in this format: code of the position <...> - your name <...>.
Closing date for application is 7 (seven) days after this advertisement
(Only short-listed candidates will be notified).

All recruitment practices and procedures reflect Save the Children's
commitment to protecting children from abuse

Qualified women encouraged to apply

Over 3.5 million health workers are urgently needed to end the crisis of
"healthcare deserts" - where children and mothers don't receive the most
basic of healthcare services. Sign the petition at

Every 6 seconds, a child dies in Asia from preventable causes. Young
Asians are campaigning to end this. Please join them at:

East Africa Drought and Food Crisis: A dollar a day for 100 days can help us keep a child alive. Give online at or text "SURVIVE" to 20222 to donate $10 (Standard message rates apply). Legal disclosure:
READ MORE - Save the Children vacancy: Receptionist/Admin Assistant post


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ISEAN-Hivos – HIV/AIDS (MARPS) Round 10
EoI Number 1: ISEAN-Hivos -GF-R10-HIV/AIDS
Issuance Date: 29 July, 2011

ISEAN-Hivos-GF-R10-HIV/AIDS - Implementation of Objective 4 of the “Strengthening community systems to reduce vulnerability to and impact of HIV infection on MSM and TG in Insular Southeast Asia”


In 2010, the Insular Southeast Asian Network on MSM, TG, and HIV (ISEAN) and the Humanist Institute for Co-operation with Developing Countries (Hivos) jointly submitted a regional proposal to the Global Fund for AIDS, Malaria, and Tuberculosis (GFATM) Round 10. The programme, entitled ‘Strengthening Community Systems to Reduce Vulnerability to and Impact of HIV infection on MSM and TG in Insular Southeast Asia’, was approved by GFATM and contract for the grant is expected to be signed by 1 September 2011. This grant has the main goal of reducing (a) the vulnerability and risks of MSM and TG to HIV infection and (b) the impact of HIV on their lives in Insular Southeast Asia. It intends to address critical gaps in supporting and scaling up activities that reduce HIV/AIDS among MSMs and TGs.

Hivos, as the Principal Recipient of the grant is looking for interested and capable organizations that could serve as Technical Assistant (TA) to provide the following services that address the Grant’s Objective 4 from a two-year the period between October 1, 2011 to September 30, 2013:

1. Develop regional capacity building strategy for the use of ICT for national level MSM, TG and HIV related CBOs
2. Develop tools and conduct training on the use of ICT tools to aid SRs and other CBOs in their national responses to MSM, TG and HIV
3. Develop ICT communication and networking training modules for MSM/TG CBOs
4. Conduct regional Training of Trainers for MSM/TG CBO ICT trainers
5. Provide operational support for ICT programmes & services
6. Develop ICT-based tools for small-research & documentation
7. Develop and conduct trainings on multi-country and small-scale ICT-based research tools
8. Establish and manage a regional knowledge hub on MSM, TG and HIV-related issues - Establish and manage web-based regional knowledge hub
9. Establish a taskforce to develop and implement regional ICT-based BCC interventions for MSM and TG
10. Provide s Support for regional ICT-based support networks for MSM & TG PLHIVs
11. Disseminate lessons the learned on the use of ICT in HIV responses for MSM & TG

An Expression of Interest (EoI) Letter, together with a company/organizational profile and track record must be received by August 8, 2011 to the emails below at 17:00 hrs. Jakarta Western Indonesia Time and

Based on the initial set of EoIs, organizations will be formally invited to send in a full application. The invitation will be accompanied by the list required documents for completion of the application process.

VACANCY SECRETARY (for NGO in International Education)

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IIEF (The Indonesian International Education Foundation) is an
Indonesian not-for-profit organization in scholarship management and
international education which manages numerous programs on various
scales and values from major international donor and funding
organizations. IIEF ( ) is
a local partner organization of the Institute of International Education
(IIE), one of the world's largest and most experienced international
education and professional exchange organizations based in New York
( ).


IIEF is recruiting to fill the position of Secretary. This position will
be responsible to provide personal administrative support to the
Director and Deputy Director/CFO. Duties include general clerical,
translation and project based work. This individual must also project a
professional company image through in-person and phone interactions.


* Prepare correspondence, reports, and materials for publications and
* Set up the Director's travel arrangements.
* Set up accommodation and entertainment arrangements for company
* Maintain the Director's calendar.
* Prepare and maintain the Director's expense report.
* Set up and coordinate meetings and conferences.
* Create, transcribe, and distribute meeting agendas and minutes.
* Respond to telephone inquiries in appropriate manner.
* Meet and greet clients and visitors.
* Perform general clerical duties including but not limited to:
photocopying, faxing, mailing, and filing.
* Maintain hard copy and electronic filing system.
* Coordinate project-based work.
* Other duties as assigned.


* Min. Diploma in Secretary from reputable academy,preferably from
Tarakanita, fresh graduates are encouraged to apply
* Excellent skill in English (oral and written) is a must
* Verbal and written communication skills and the ability to type at
least 60 wpm
* Proficiency in MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), having
excellent office clerical skills in performing secretarial duties
* Detail-oriented, well-organized, and able to thrive in a fast-paced
* Willingness to work a flexible schedule and occasional overnight

* Sensitive, compassionate and positive; good relationship skills
* Ability to handle confidential information with discretion
* Team worker, the ability to work as part of a team

Send your resume to:
before 06 August 2011 stating the
position applied. (No telephone inquiries)
READ MORE - VACANCY SECRETARY (for NGO in International Education)

URGENTLY NEEDED : Finance & Admin Assistant

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*The USAID|DELIVER PROJECT, Task Order 6, is funded by USAID in Indonesia
and implemented by John Snow Incorporated. The PROJECT is recruiting for a
"Finance & Adimin Assistant" for its Jakarta office. This position reports
to the USAID/DELIVER FO Operations & Finance Manager/Associate and is based
in Jakarta.*

The Finance & Admin Assistant provide support for day-to-day operations,
communications, event arrangement and routine activity, working under the
supervision of the FO Operation & Finance Manager/Associate, supporting the
technical staff and experts. This position also supports the field activity
on finance and administrative.

Salary : No more than Rp. 7.500.000

*The main responsibilities include but are not limited to: *

*Finance :*

Assisting Finance& Operation Associate for daily activities

Assisting Finance and Operation Associate for all payments
(checks/transfers) on regular basis

§ Ensure the financial reports and supporting document is photocopied
before sending to Washington by monthly basis

§ Sending the supporting documents by courier (DHL)

Maintains the office petty cash account.

Procures field office supplies.

Maintains an inventory of office supplies and equipment

Reporting monthly tax to Tax office

Doing bank transaction (check withdraw, transfer, deposit) as required

Doing Payment needed for office purpose (tax, monthly operational billing)

*Administration* :

Arranging Meeting/Training (including refreshment and/or lunch) as

Facilitates travel arrangements (air ticket and accommodation), visa
processing, travel advances and travel insurance for international travel
for DELIVER staff, consultants and others as necessary;

Create and manage filing system for HQ by payment voucher numbers as

§ Update and Maintain Filing on regular basis

§ Ensure each transaction have payment voucher and their reports

Develops and maintain a comprehensive, efficient filing system for the

Develops and maintain a contact list

Maintains collaborative working relationships with all vendors and key

*Qualification :*

· Bachelor's degree and minimum 2 years experience in finances and

· Excellent organizational, communication, and interpersonal skills.

· Excellent Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word skills.

· Work experience in a USAID or other donor-funded project

· Experience in office management desirable.

· Attention to detail.

· Fluency in Bahasa Indonesia and proficiency in written and oral
English required

*DEADLINE to apply Thursday, Augt 4, 2011 to*
READ MORE - URGENTLY NEEDED : Finance & Admin Assistant

vacancy - Senior Technical Expert HIV/AIDS Capacity Building

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SCALING UP FOR MOST-AT-RISK POPULATION II (SUM II) is a USAID funded program that will provide targeted assistance in organizational performance required to scale-up effective, integrated HIV/AIDS interventions that lead to substantial and measurable behavior change among Most-at Risk Populations (MARPs) in targeted locations in Indonesia. The project is managed by Training Resources Group, Inc. The organizational performance topics include accountability, administration, advocacy, finance, governance, knowledge management, leadership, management, monitoring and evaluation, networking, partnership, policy development, resource mobilization, strategic planning and transparency. SUM II will provide and monitor small grants to qualified civil society organizations to support the scale-up of integrated interventions in “hotspots” where there is a high concentration of one or more MARP and high-risk behavior is prevalent.

SUM II is currently seeking qualified individuals with experience in HIV/AIDS and Local stakeholders issues for following position:
Senior Technical Expert HIV/AIDS Capacity Building
Candidates with working experience in Indonesia, knowledge of the HIV field are especially invited to apply. Please find the list of responsibilities and qualifications for this position below.

• Takes a leadership role in work planning, implementation, and reporting of program activities in HIV and MARPS.
• Provides senior-level technical assistance (TA) to local implementing partners, including (but not limited to) providing technical assistance on HIV prevention, care and treatment for MARPs, organizational capacity building and training for civil society organizations, IEC materials development /campaigns, etc.
• Coordinates and collaborates with other stakeholders, including national, provincial, and district/municipal-level AIDS commissions and key ministries, and other donor-supported programs, particularly other USG funded programs.
• Participates in relevant HIV/AIDS prevention coordinating structures/technical working groups.

• Masters degree in Public Health or relevant social science field from an accredited university plus 12 years of experience working in international health.
• Minimum of 5 years experience designing and implementing projects focused on providing technical assistance on HIV prevention, care, and treatment for MARPs and/or organizational capacity building in Indonesia required.
• Demonstrable skills and experiences in working with HIV/AIDS programming, particularly prevention and health systems strengthening required.
• Must have a firm command of behavioral prevention, clinical health systems, policy, and other issues related to targeted interventions for HIV service delivery for MARPs.
• Knowledge of most recent PEPFAR indicators and experience working with USAID programs preferred.
• Demonstrated ability to work effectively, responsively, and collaboratively with USAID, government counterparts, other funding organizations, public and private cooperating country organizations and institutions required.
• Strong organizational and interpersonal skills and ability to work in a team-oriented setting.
• Must possess excellent oral and written communication skills, and fluency in English and Bahasa Indonesia.
• Applications from Indonesian nationals highly desired.

How to Apply: Interested applicants should submit an updated CV and cover letter via e-mail to Deadline for consideration is August 14, 2011. Only short listed applicants will be contacted.
READ MORE - vacancy - Senior Technical Expert HIV/AIDS Capacity Building

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