Vacant Position in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara: CONSULTANT AND NUMERATOR

Minggu, 31 Juli 2011 ·

CARE International Indonesia (CII), as an international NGO, has carried out large scale operations in Indonesia, encompassing emergency operations, transitional activities centered on agriculture and nutrition and a range of development initiatives in such areas as water and sanitation, health and micro-credit.

CARE Indonesia in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara is currently recruiting the following position:


The following is the Terms of Reference TOR for above position.

1. Background
CARE International Indonesia (CII), recently is implementing SESAMA(Sustainable Settlement with Economic Security of Uprooted People & Their Host Communities through Strengthened & Adequate Mediation Approach) project in Kupang.

The overall objective of this project is to provide support in the sustainable settlements and livelihoods for those new citizens (ex-IDPs) left behind in the recovery process through the group’s active participation in the mainstream development planning and budgeting process.

Its specific objective is that 6,019 new citizens (IDPs) and host family households will have an enhanced sufficient access to land, shelter, community facilities, health and education services, livelihoods assets and skills and community decision-making to form the basis for sustainable settlement and livelihoods.
Through the socialization of the project and the results of community immersion by field facilitators, we can report that in general the conditions of new citizen in 15 assisted villages by SESAMA are very alarming. They are not only difficult to get land for agriculture activities to support them survival, lack access to clean water, health services and education, but even the status of the land they occupied house is also not clear of the ownership status at present and any time being evicted by landlords because they have not paid the land based on agreement formed before resettlement developed. They still continue to hope Jadup (Life Assurance) as promised by the government while still living in refugee camps that are not paid yet.

This condition greatly affects their level of security, comfortable and wellbeing and is potentially to blow up of the horizontal conflict between host communities. The same condition is also common for groups of poor and marginalized host community where they have similar difficulties to accessing of health care, quality education, water shortages and lack of land for agricultural subsystem. The” Patriaki “culture rooted in the lives of new citizen and the host community to provide a specific challenge for women especially for Female Household groups of the certification of land ownership and involvement in decision-making process in the village.

CII-SESAMA has conducted separately of HLSA (Household Livelihood Security Assessment) to assess qualitatively of lives and livelihoods of the new citizen and host community who are vulnerable in generally, integrated with the participative approach of PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal). The results of this assessment are intended to enrich the preparation of RPJMD (Medium Term Development Plan for the Village), both in substances and process that truly participatory and became the basis for future decision-making of program intervention.

In order to understand deeply of the initial state and the specific problems faced by communities in 15 villages specifically for the families who will be the main beneficiaries of this SESAMA project, the CII intent to carry out a baseline quantitative study on the lives and livelihoods of the new citizen and the vulnerable groups of the host community. This survey is performed by random sampling, who considering the representation of the new citizen, marginalized host community and the female household headed in all villages.

The development of baseline survey design especially of questionnaire will be done mainly through intensive discussion and coordination with CII-SESAMA team in Kupang to ensure that the tools developed will meet the project requirements and relevant for used in monitoring and assessing the achievement of the project in midterm review and final evaluation. The results from this baseline survey will be a reference to determine of performance indicator targets based on log frame indicators that will be measured at the middle and the end of project evaluation.

The questioner should be including at least items as follow:
• Measuring the level of family income with reference to SPHERE
• Identify the main livelihood activities of the family to build their
food security and coping mechanisms to face of difficulty situation.
• Identification of access and ownership of land as evidenced by a
certificate of ownership, especially for Female Household Headed .
• Identify the skills and potential of families to build food security.
• Identification of presence or absence of a balance of access to
existing resources for new citizen, host community, Female Household
Headed and Youths, including the opportunity to engage in community
social activities and decision making process.
• Identify the level of understanding, awareness and behavior of society
towards basic health, maternal child health, basic immunization,
nutrition and basic education of 9 years.

2. Objective
Baseline survey aims to understand the profile of lives and the livelihood of families both of new citizens and host communities and the Female Household Headed for the 6,019 families of SESAMA project beneficiaries in 15 assisted villages, with the presence or absence of an adequate sustainable access to housing, income and resources to meet their basic needs including adequate access to food, drinking water, health facilities, educational opportunities, and the time for public participation and social integration.

To carry out this Baseline survey, CII – SESAMA project unit is looking for an experienced and qualified organization or individual in conducting a quantitative Baseline survey to be Consultant position, and a number of persons to the position of Numerator that will be working closely with the Consultant. The main responsibilities of this Consultant as follows:
- Designing of tolls / questionnaire in accordance with the needs of
SESAMA project (refer to project log frame).
- Conducting training for the numerator on questioner and lead them in
data collection in the field.
- Conducting data entry with SPSS or other similar methods and is
scientifically justified.
- Data analysis and synthesis.
- Developing of Baseline survey report in Indonesia and English

3. Expected Outputs :
The consultant is expected to deliver following outputs:
- Draft final report is due within one week after ending the assignment.
- Final report is in English and Bahasa due within one week after having
received comments on the draft final report by CII-SESAMA.

4. Qualification and Consultant/Numerator Selection:
The selection of consultant (1 person) and Numerator (15 persons) will be selected based on their expertise and experience by CII-SESAMA project. The following points will be the basis of the selection:

General requirements of both Consultant and Numerator:
- Have an understanding and insight in terms of food security, land
security and infrastructure, public health, primary education, gender
and conflict management and advocacy.
- Demonstrated appropriate qualification and professional field and
- A successful track record of carrying out Baseline surveys including
maintaining high standards in data collection and managing survey
logistics. References should be provided that CII-SESAMA can
contact to confirm this track record.
- Good knowledge of the area and culture especially the official
language(s) of the area of survey will be done (Kupang District).

Specific requirements for consultant:
- Having experience in undertaking the quantitative Baseline survey and
having at least 10 years of experience in the field of sustainable
- Brief proposal (3-5 pages) that describes the interests, abilities,
experience in conducting similar survey (if any), insight into the
location and a basic idea of the implementation of these activities).
- Demonstrate abilities and skills of training facilitation.
- Proven abilities to develop narrative reporting in English version and
Bahasa (Attach an example of the narrative report developed).

5. Job Description
- Responsible to conduct a pre-assessment activities i.e. secondary
data review, institutional data review/mapping, stakeholders
identification and participation, Stakeholder participation in the design
of Assessment.
- Responsible to develop tools of Baseline survey based on needs of
project indicators.
- Conduct a capacity building/training for Numerator on questioner.
Responsible to lead primary Baseline survey data collection in 15
villages in Kupang Regency working with facilitator.
- To do the data verification in 15 villages.
- Responsible to lead the process of data analysis.
- Responsible to develop a draft and to complete a final report in
English and Bahasa.

- Following the capacity building / training for the use of tools.
- Responsible for the data collection process in accordance with
- Responsible for the accuracy of the data.
- Together with the consultant to verify data before data entry

6. Scope of Work and Schedule:
The selected Institutions or individuals will work intensively with the SESAMA project team and partners (YAO) in Kupang. Here is the approximate time and the main tasks that must be made in connection with the execution of this survey in detail as follows:

Steps, Duration, Main Activities, PIC
Preparation, 2 days, SESAMA Proposal and Log Frame review and understanding, Consultant
Preparation, 5 days, Develop tools/questioner, Consultant
Preparation, 1 day, Sampling design and preparation of field logistics and transportation, Consultant/ SESAMA Team
Preparation, 2 days, Training for numerator on Tools and standard procedure data collection, Consultant
Implementation of Baseline survey in 15 villages, 3 days, Data collection in 15 villages based on purposive sampling design, 15 Numerators
Data Verification, 1 day, Data validation and final check, Numerator and Consultant
Data Entry, 5 days, Data Entry, Numerator and Consultant
Data Analysis, 3 days, Data Analysis and synthesis, Consultant
Report Development, 5 days, Draft Report Development, Consultant
Report Development, 5 days, Final Report Development, Consultant
Distribution of Baseline Survey Report, 2 days Document Distribution to related sector, Tim SESAMA

7. Schedule and Location
The Baseline survey is planned to be conducted in August to September 2011 in 15 selected villages, 6 selected sub district, Kupang district, East Nusa Tenggara province as follows:

Number, Village, Sub District, Number of HH NZ, Number of HH HC, Distance from Kupang City
1. Oematnunu, Kupang Barat, 139, 265, 16 Km
2. Oebelo, Kupang Tengah, 750, 144, 19 Km
3. Noelbaki, Kupang Tengah, 466, 175, 16 Km
4. Tanah Merah, Kupang Tengah, 65, 636, 18 Km
5. Tuapukan, Kupang Timur, 703, 541, 22 Km
6. Naibonat, Kupang Timur, 1.121, 269, 40 Km
7. Tanah Putih, Kupang Timur, 15, 279, 20 Km
8. Nunkurus, Kupang Timur, 27, 721, 49 Km
9. Manusak, Kupang Timur, 454, 283, 42 Km
10. Oefafi, Kupang Timur, 166, 179, 26 Km
11. Merdeka, Kupang Timur, 75, 361, 22 Km
12. Tolnako, Fatuleu, 20, 471, 50 Km
13. Raknamo, Amabi Oefeto, 310, 95, 50 Km
14. Sulamu, Sulamu, 132, 247, 70 Km
15. Pantulan, Sulamu, 76, 359, 77 Km
Total, 4.519, 5.025

8. Budgeting and Payment system
CII-SESAMA will provide the entire cost of the implementation of Numerator training and cost for Baseline survey implementation in the field (15 villages). For the payment of Numerator fee will be paid after data entry is finished, while the payment of consultant fee will be done on stages based on spending days agreed and the achieved result as follows:
- The first payment will be made after the preparation phase (40% of
the total fee)
- The second payment will be made after the draft report is received
(50% of the total fee)
- The third payment will be made after the final report is received (100%
of the total fee)

9. Application Procedures:
Proposals should be kept to approximately 3-5 pages comprising these sections:
- Capability Statement: State the firm/organization or individual’s
experience delivering similar services in similar organizational and
geographic settings. Detail the skills and experiences of the
firm/organization’s key managers/staff related to the responsibilities of
the consultancy. The consultant’s CV shall be provided as an
- Technical Description: Provide an interpretation of the assignment,
detail the proposed work plan and timeline for the proposed activities
based on these Terms of Reference. This technical description is a
very important reference point in the process of selection, therefore
this component must be thoroughly developed and described
strategically the dynamics of work of the consultants/advisors
Assistant with the Numerator in the field.
- Financial Description: Provide detail budget Include all proposed
expenditures, including the remuneration on the basis of working
days, accommodation, travel expenses, when not living in Kupang
regency (see sect. 6 Scope of Work of Main/Senior Consultant and
Consultant Assistant).

Short-listing of Proposals will be evaluated and short-listed based on the following criteria:
- Experience of the organization/individual: outstanding track record of
accomplishment in delivering similar services in the target area or
similar activities, and relevant experience and skills of key personnel.
- Work plan/strategy: Excellent in technical quality of the proposal and
the practicality of the proposed approach to delivering the services.
- Costs: The most cost effective components.

Please submit your applications before August 2, 2011 to CARE International Indonesia, Human Resources Unit:

"Only qualified applicants will be shortlisted"

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