Action Contre la Faim – Indonesia Mission
Code : RJO/016/External Evaluator Merapi/VIII/11
Location : Jakarta & Yogyakarta
Start date : September 1st, 2011
Duration of contract : 18 working days
- Historic background
The first Merapi eruption of 26 October 2010, and the second and biggest Merapi
eruption of 5 November 2010 devastated Magelang District (of Central Java
Province) and Sleman District (of DI Yogyakarta Province), killing more than 277
people in the two provinces and displacing a further 380,000 from their homes
and families. According to National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB),
approximately 275.403 displaced were registered by 8 November 2010, and
consisted of 2.772 IDPs in the city of Magelang, 102.353 IDPs in Magelang
District, 60.643 IDPs in Boyolali District, 55.482 IDPs in Klaten District, and
54.153 IDPs in Sleman District.(http://www[.] 8 November
2010)The devastation caused by the Merapi eruption elicited an unprecedented
response from the local, national, and international communities, and basic
needs of food, health, water and sanitation were rapidly met. In the early
stages of the intervention, the combined efforts of governmental and
non-governmental agencies mitigated morbidity and mortality rates while
assisting IDPs access critical assistance.
Although immediate needs have been met, a sustained effort by the humanitarian
community is necessary to ensure that Merapi eruption-affected communities
receive adequate support to recover their livelihoods and enhance their access
to safe water, sanitation and hygiene practices.
While the majority of displaced have returned to their relatively less affected
homes, a significant population remains with either no possibility to return
home or severe damage to their homes and livelihoods. This people still needs
support, particularly accessibility to basic needs and infrastructures including
access to feeding programs and care practices for the most vulnerable groups
such as pregnant, lactating women and children under 5.
- ACF’s intervention
Four days after the first Merapi eruption in October, 26th, 2010, ACF decided
and sent the rapid response team to do rapid assesment and initial intervention
in affected areas. While ACF did this assessment, it identified potential
partners (PSB & BMP) for initial WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene)
intervention for the affected people who stayed in temporary shelters. Through
deployment of a small contingency stock in WASH and in collaboration with
partners and other stakeholders, ACF was able to start intervention for the IDPs
in temporary shelters.
After the 2nd biggest eruption, ACF decided to scale up intervention through
integration of Nutrition, WASH, Food Security and Livelihoods intervention.
Later on, ACF, with funds from CDC & ERF for Nutrition, AECID for WASH and FSL,
and also additional private funding, managed to expand its program up to 2000 HH
in Magelang and Sleman till July 2011.
1. Nutrition and Care Practices program (December – March 2011 funded by
CDC and April-July 2011 funded by ERF-UNOCHA)
December 2010 – March 2011 funded by CDC (The Crisis Center of Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of FrenchGovernment)
In this period, ACF delivered nutrition program funded by CDC (Centre de Crise –
French Government). The objective of thisprogram is to reduce and prevent
malnutrition for children under five years old (CU5) in the emergent context of
the MerapiEruption.
Expected results from the intervention were:
Result 1:Assessment, Monitoring nutritional and psychosocialof vulnerable
people, particularly children under five yers old.
Result 2:Adequate Infant Feeding and Child Care Practices are promoted in the
April 2011- July 2011 funded by HRF (UNOCHA)
Before completing the nutrition program funded by CDC, by the end of March 2011,
ACF secured funds from UN-OCHA under HRF (Humanitarian Response Funds) for
extension of nutrition activities from April 2011 to July 2011. The title of of
project is: Promoting Better Nutrition and Care Practicessolutions for Women and
Children under Five Years OldSub-district Cangkringan, Sleman, DI Yogyakarta
Province, Indonesia. The objective of the program is to improve the level and
access to health services for Merapi eruption-affected children under five years
old and pregnant & lactating women in Sleman District, DI Yogyakarta Province.
Expected results from thisproject are:
Result 1: 5 affected villages have improved their Health and Nutritional
Surveillance and monitoring systems focusing on child growth and development
Result 2: Kaders / Motivators in 5 affected villages have improved their
capacities and competences on child care practices and psychosocial / mental
Result 3: 4 IDPs Camps and 5 affected villages promote and facilitate adequate
infant feeding, child care practices and psychosocial / mental health
2. WASH and Food Security & Livelihood (December-February 2011) funded by AECID
The Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID),
through its funding decision in December 2010 granted ACF International €
150,000 towards the implementation of emergency response project to supporting
recovery of volcano erupted-affected communities in Magelang district (Central
Java) and Sleman district (DI Yogyakarta) under the title MEERAPI (Managing
Eruption Emergency Response to Affected People in Indonesia). This grant was
provided under the condition that ACF International would provide co-funding.
The project’s particular objective is to mitigate immediate impact and mid-term
consequences of the volcano affected population of Yogyakarta and Central Java
Provinces through economic recovery, agricultural rehabilitation and emergency
WASH. The project tackles the social impact of eruption, through actions
contributing to restoring livelihood by rapid recovery of land cultivation,
livestock breeding, and also provision of technical training. It also aims to
address the impact of loosing water sources by rehabilitation and/or
reconstruction of access to clean/safe water sources amongst communities in the
affected areas.
The project is expected to achieve the following two results:
Result 1: 1250 Affected families rehabilitate their dusun (sub villages) and
Result 2: 1250 families have access to drinking water in their communities
II.Evaluation Objectives
The primary objective of this evaluation is to assess the level of attainment of
program intervention in MERAPI eruption in relation to its project objectives
focusing on project area in Central Java and DI Yogyakarta.
This evaluation also reflects a capacity-building ethos that sets out to improve
the capacity of the mission, with a view to enhance our future intervention in
any emergency response. To this end, the evaluation will summarize lessons
learnt from the project experience to dateand will give recommendations for
improvement of emergency response in the future.
The evaluation study responds to the requirements of the last phase of the
project cycle. The evaluatorshall verify and assess in details the following
· Managementand decision making process on deployment of rapid
assessment team and initial intervention for responseat initial stages of MERAPI
· Relevance of the project, i.e. the appropriateness of project
objectives to the problems that it was supposed to address, and to the physical
and policy environment within which it operated. It should include an assessment
of the quality of project preparation and design.
· Coverage and coherenceof the program, i.e how the program targeted the
most affected areas and/or the most vulnerable groups and integrationof the
program (WASH, Food Sec, Mental Health and Nutrition intervention).
· Effectiveness, i.e. the actual schedule and completion of the
activities compare to the initial plan in project design and covenant with
Donor’s policy and guidelines.
Efficiency, i.e. whether the programme made an efficient use of resources (in
other words how inputs/means have been converted into activities, in terms of
quality, quantity and time) to meet intended impacts. This section particularly
is also to answer several questions, such as: what systems were in place to
ensure that inputs(HR, logistic and finance) provided were of the highest
quality possible and were acceptable to all stakeholders.Were budgets used
appropriately / as intended / in accordance with the original narrative and
budget? What systems of financial and logistical monitoring / control were in
· Impact, i.e. the effect of the project on its wider environment, and
its contribution towards providing durable solutions for volcano
erupted-affected communities in the districts of Magelang (Central Java) and
Sleman (DI Yogyakarta).
· Sustainability, i.e. the likelihood of the project benefits to
continue after the project has ended.
Key Responsibilities:
· Lead the evaluation and have final responsibility for the contents and
quality of the evaluation report
· Develop a comprehensive evaluation plan in coordination with ACF
International staff
· Undertake field visits to a representative number of beneficiaries in
both provinces (DI Yogyakarta and Central Java) that were assisted under the
· Assess whether the outputs that were set out in the project documents
have been achieved or not.
· Estimate whether the results are achieved at a reasonable cost.
· Assess the sustainability of the projects undertaken and/or supported.
Required Qualifications:
· Masters Degree from recognized university in Sociology,
Socio-economics, Rural Development or similar. Bachelors degree and additional
experience is also acceptable.
· Extensive experience in evaluations of integrated Nutrition, WASH, and
Food Security & Livelihoods programs and projects, if possible within a
emergency response setting.
· Minimum five years experience in emergency response programme
management. Experience in undertaking evaluations and/or writing evaluation
reports for International NGOs and donors.
· Ability to deal with and effectively resolve unexpected issues
· Excellent analytical, communication and interpersonal skills
· Willingness to spend time on the field with limited resources
· Fluency in written and spoken English and bahasa Indonesia
· Excellent computer skills, MS office and database programs
· Based in Indonesia
· A sense of confidentiality and a sense of strong ethics will be
How to apply
If you have qualification and interested to apply, to obtain further details and
full ToR, please send an email to .To apply, please
submit the following documents to email address above:
• Current CV + two references
• Proposal of the consultancy activity
Deadline of submitting the application (CV) & proposal is August 19th, 2011.
Please put the code & title on your application.
Only short list candidates will be contacted and invited for further discussion.
All ACF members are committed to respect the 6 leading principles of the
organization: independence, non-discrimination, free and direct access to
victims, professionalism and transparency. ACF is an equal opportunity employer.
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