Plan Indonesia - Staff Adminstrasi sponsorship

Selasa, 26 Juli 2011 · 0 komentar

Plan Indonesia adalah lembaga kemanusian internasional, dan organisasi pengembangan masyarakat yang berpusat pada anak, tanpa afiliasi dengan agama, kepentingan politik dan pemerintah tertentu. Visi Plan adalah terciptanya suatu dunia, dimana semua anak bisa mewujudkan seluruh potensi mereka di dalam masyarakat yang menghormati hak dan martabat manusia.

Kami mengundang generasi muda Indonesia yang jujur, berintegritas tinggi dan memiliki komitmen terhadap pengembangan masyarakat yang berpusat pada anak, untuk bergabung dengan kami sebagai:

Staf Administrasi Komunikasi Sponsorship (OS BR)–( Penempatan : Rembang - Jawa Tengah )

* Pendidikan minimal D3 Bahasa Inggris, Hubungan International & Komunikasi
* Mampu berbahasa Indonesia dan Inggris dengan baik lisan maupun tulisan
* Lebih diutamakan berpengalaman bekerja sebagai penerjemah atau guru Bahasa Inggris
* Mampu menggunakan Komputer (Ms Word, Ms Excell, Power Point, etc)
* Memiliki pemahaman dan sensitivitas terhadap budaya setempat/lokal
* Bisa mengendarai sepeda motor dan memiliki SIM C

Plan Indonesia memberi kesempatan yang sama kepada semua pelamar. Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi syarat yang akan diundang untuk mengikuti seleksi. Kirimkan surat lamaran (beserta CV update, Copy Ijazah, Transkrip Nilai) paling lambat pada 8 Agustus 2011 ke:
People & Culture Department,
Plan Indonesia Country Office: Gedung Menara Duta Lantai 6 Wing A, Jalan HR Rasuna Said Kav B-9 Jakarta Selatanatau email:

Silahkan tulis Nama dan Posisi yang dilamar di subyek email dan attachment tidak lebih dari 1 MB.

Sebagai organisasi pengembangan masyarakat yang berpusat pada anak, Plan tidak mentoleransi kekerasan terhadap anak. Jika anda ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang Plan International silahkan kunjungi website kami di .
READ MORE - Plan Indonesia - Staff Adminstrasi sponsorship

Vacancy Announcement Tax & Finance Officer

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Organization : Cardno Emerging Markets (Australia) Pty
Position Title : *Tax and Finance Officer (Code: TFO)*

Reports to : Finance Manager & Operations Manager
Duty Station : Jakarta - Indonesia
Anticipated start date : August/ September 2011

*Cardno Emerging Markets (Australia) Pty Ltd is part of a global consulting
organization which manages projects for major donors, delivering aid work in
core disciplines such as education, health, HIV / AIDS, governance, resource
and environment management and infrastructure. Our work expands across
Europe, Latin & North America, Asia, The Pacific and Africa. With over 3,000
staff worldwide, our vision is to be a world leader in the provision of
professional services to improve the physical and social environment.

We are now currently recruiting a Tax & Finance Officer.

The Tax & Finance Officer position contributes to Cardno success by
providing professional services support for corporate and project activities
within the Social Infrastructure team.

1. Project Tax and Financial Management and Administrative Support.

- Assist project finance managers and/or officers in the
preparation and submission of project monthly financial accounts and
supporting documentation, including tax information required by e-SPT

- Prepare monthly income tax submissions for Project staff.

- Assist in the data compilation and preparation of Annual
Personal Income Tax Returns (*SPT Tahunan PPh 21*) for Project staff.

2. Representative Office Tax and Financial Management and
Administrative Support.

- Assist the Finance Manager as required with filing of receipt for
cashbooks, photocopying and binding, preparation of bank transfer forms, the
management of petty cash and other financial and office administration.

- Assist with the administration, data compilation and tax
calculation of Cardno Indonesia Representative Office monthly tax returns,
including income tax, withholding tax articles 21, 23 and 26, and VAT. This
includes preparation of *SPT Masa* and *Daftar Bukti Potong*, and
administration of *Bukti Potong* and SSP forms received from various

- Assist in the data compilation and preparation of Annual Personal
Income Tax Returns (*SPT Tahunan PPh 21*) for Representative Office staff
and Corporate Income Tax Returns (*SPT Tahunan PPh Badan)* for fiscal years.

- Ensure that all monthly hard copy and soft copy (e-SPT) tax
returns are physically lodged with the tax office in a timely manner.

- File hard copy monthly tax returns in accordance with Cardno

3. Other

Provide assistance to other areas of the company as requested.

Qualifications / Experience:

The Officer will require the following combination of applied skills,
knowledge and behaviors to successfully contribute to team goals:

· Diploma degree in accounting, finance or related discipline, preferably
with a minimum of two years work experience in an international

· Demonstrated experience in the preparation of compliance returns in
respect of Personal Income tax, Withholding tax and Value Added Tax;

· Knowledge of development assistance contracts and projects, in
particular those funded by the Australian Agency for International
Development (AusAID), the World Bank and/or the Asian Development Bank;

· Knowledge of the operation of project offices for donor-funded
development assistance projects;

· Demonstrated financial acumen and ability to understand and effectively
use financial information;

· Ability to prioritise, plan and organise workflow to tight timeframes,
handle multiple tasks, and be flexible with changing priorities;

· Strong organizational skills;

· Ability to interact effectively with national and international

· High computer skills on MS Office programs, with working knowledge of
e-SPT software(s); and

· Good level of proficiency in spoken and written English skills, fluent
in Bahasa Indonesia.

To apply for this position please address the above selection criteria along
with a current CV and salary history/expectations with the position code on
your email subject (Code : *TFO*) no later than *August 5, 2011* to email :
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. complete TOR can be
viewed/downloaded at

Please contact the email above for queries. Do not send your CV to this

kind regards,
READ MORE - Vacancy Announcement Tax & Finance Officer

Vacancy MPAG Conservation Coordinator

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Our partner is a collaborative three-year project to focus onimproving marine projected area (MPA)
governance through strengthened data analysis, policydevelopment and capacity building for
improved marine protected area (MPA) management toyield the
optimal fisheries and biodiversity conservation benefits across the Coral
Triangle Region of Indonesia.

Currently we are looking for the following position for Jakarta office:
-MPAG Conservation Coordinator, code: MCC

With requirement:
- Master degreein marine resources management or another relevant discipline. of technical and management experience
demonstrating knowledge of marine protected area management and biodiversity
- 10 years of experiences of technical
and management experience demonstrating knowledge of marine protected area
management and biodiversity conservation.
- Good command of Englishand computer literate
- Demonstrated ability to systematize and streamline organizational
- Excellent
interpersonal skills and demonstrated ability to lead
- Prior experience working with USAID projects is a plus.

Responsibilities such as:
1. Assists the MPAG Chief of Party to ensure the
timely implementation of MPAG activities.
2. Assists in the gathering of information and the
preparation of quarterly reports and work plans as required by USAID.
3. Serves as Acting Leader in the absence of the
Chief of Party.
4. Liaises with consortium members and partners and
key staff to ensure the timely flow of information
5. Assists monitoring evaluation specialist in the
gathering of information for performance management plan
6. Oversees annual work plan development, budgets
and contracts with field offices, etc.

Interested candidates are encouraged to send
application letter not later than 2 (two) weeks after this advertisementto:
Please put the vacancy code as subject and only shortlisted will be proceed.

Please put the vacancy code as subject and only shortlisted will be proceed.
READ MORE - Vacancy MPAG Conservation Coordinator

Vacancy in OXFAM GB Indonesia Project Adminstrative Assistant

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Oxfam GB adalah Organisasi International Non-Profit yang telah bekerja
di lebih dari 70 negara untuk mengurangi kemiskinan dan penderitaan dengan mendukung
kegiatan pengembangan, kemanusiaan dan advokasi.
Saat ini kami mencari individu yang berkualitas dan mempunyai motivasi
yang tinggi untuk mendukung “Program Kehidupan Pesisir” kami di Sulawesi.

Project Administrative Assistant
Coastal Livelihood
Posisi ini ditawarkan untuk jangka waktu
1 tahun dan berada di Makassar.

Sebagai Project Administrative Assistant, anda akan bekerja untuk
mendukung seluruh team pada bagian adminstrasi dan aktivitas programme. Anda
harus efisien dan mempunyai pengalaman dalam bidang administrasi, terutama
dalam mendukung team project. Serta memiliki kemampuan yang baik dalam
berbahasa Inggris.

Untuk melamar, silakan mengirimkan Curriculum Vitae disertai dengan
surat lamaran ke Oxfam GB Eastern Indonesia melalui email ke :

Lamaran ditutup pada : 14 Agustus 2011.

Hanya kandidat yang masuk dalam short-list yang akan dihubungi.

Oxfam GB memberikan kesempatan yang sama dan mendorong perempuanuntuk melamar.
Kami berkomitmen untuk memastikan kesetaraan gender dan keberagaman
dalam organisasi.


Oxfam GB is an international NGO working in over 70 countries to reduce
poverty and suffering by supporting development, humanitarian and advocacy
Currently we are seeking qualified and highly motivated individuals to
support our Coastal Livelihood Project in Sulawesi.

Project Administrative Assistant
Coastal Livelihood
Post is offered on a fixed term
contract based in Makassar
One (1) Position

As the Project Administrative Assistant, you will be working to support
the whole project team in a wide range of administrative and project activity.
You will need to be very efficient and have proven experience in administrative
works, preferably in supporting a project. Fluently in English is a must.

Please submit your CV with covering letter to Oxfam GB Eastern
Indonesia by email to :

Closing date for applications : 14 Agustus 2011

Please note that only short-listed applicants will be contacted.

Oxfam GB is striving to be an equal opportunities employer and
particularly encourages applications from women.
We are committed to ensuring diversity and gender equity within the
READ MORE - Vacancy in OXFAM GB Indonesia Project Adminstrative Assistant

Lowongan Relawan Trainer untuk di jakarta

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The Habibie Center bekerjasama dengan USAID-SERASI bermaksud menyelenggarakan kegiatan workshop pendidikan damai di Jakarta dan Papua, dengan tema "Breaking Stereotype Building Trust". Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah mengubah persepsi generasi muda Jakarta dan Papua serta membangun kepercayaan antara satu sama lain.
Kami mencari 8 (delapan) relawan dari lingkungan mahasiswa tingkat akhir atau sudah lulus untuk bergabung dalam program ini sebagai Trainer bagi siswa SMU di Jakarta dengan periode kerja November 2011.

•Usia minimal 21 tahun, maksimal 25 tahun
•Memiliki kemampuan presentasi dan komunikasi yang baik
•Menyukai dunia pendidikan, khususnya di lingkungan remaja
•Tertarik dengan isu komunikasi antarkelompok
•Dapat bekerjasama dalam tim
•Domisili: Jabodetabek

Tanggung Jawab:
•Bersedia mengikuti proses training sebelum pelaksanaan workshop sesuai waktu yang dijadwalkan.
•Memberikan pelatihan atau menjadi trainer pada siswa SMU sesuai waktu yang dijadwalkan (akhir Oktober atau awal November).
•Membuat laporan kegiatan setelah workshop pendidikan damai di SMU.

•Relawan trainer akan mendapat penggantian transportasi selama mengikuti ToT dan selama memberikan pelatihan kepada siswa SMA.
•Mendapat fasilitas menginap selama mengikuti ToT
•Mendapat sertifikat

Surat Lamaran dan CV (daftar riwayat hidup) dapat dikirim ke: dan paling lambat 3 Agustus 2011.

Pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan di atas akan dihubungi untuk mengikuti wawancara oleh The Habibie Center
READ MORE - Lowongan Relawan Trainer untuk di jakarta

Lowongan Desk Finance Officer dan Project Officer

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*Indonesia AIDS Coalition (IAC) *adalah sebuah Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat
(LSM) yang bekerja untuk isu penanggulangan HIV dan AIDS di wilayah kerja
Indonesia dan berkedudukan di Jakarta. IAC bekerja khususnya untuk
mempromosikan kebijakan publik yang berpihak pada komunitas terdampak AIDS
serta hak-hak kelompok minoritas dan perempuan.

Saat ini IAC membutuhkan staff yang bersedia untuk bergabung dalam program
“Promosi transparansi, akuntabilitas dan partisipasi masyarakat sipil dalam
penanggulangan AIDS”, dengan posisi dan kriteria sebagai berikut :

*1. Finance Officer*

Durasi kontrak selama 1 tahun dengan percobaan 3 bulan dan kemungkinan
perpanjangan di akhir kontrak.

 *Tanggung Jawab Kunci:*

*Koordinasi Keuangan*

1. Finance officer akan bertanggung jawab kepada Koordinator IAC.

2. Memonitor dan mengevaluasi pelaksanaan praktek-pratek dan system keuangan
dan menjamin kesesuaiannya dengan prosedur organisasi

3. Memonitor, memberikan saran dan menjamin pelaksanaan praktek-praktek
keuangan mitra terutama terkait pelaksanaan proyek organisasi

4. Menjamin transaksi keuangan dan bank (untuk kantor dan proyek)

5. Mengidentifikasi dan membuat/mengadaptasi sistem keuangan untuk memenuhi
kebutuhan program

6. Melakukan audit finansial teratur untuk mitra proyek dan memimpin kerja
koordinasi antara Project Officer, Project assisten dan auditor external

7. Memastikan pelaporan keuangan sesuai dengan standar donor dan kebijakan

*Pengelolaan Keuangan*


1. Menjamin semua laporan keuangan akurat, sesuai dengan deadline dan
menjamin kualitas pelaporan keuangan

- Memverifikasi semua laporan keuangan kantor untuk keperluan internal
dan eksternal; laporan pengeluaran bulanan (monthly expenditure); laporan
pajak, laporan keuangan ke donor etc
- Memberikan informasi pengelolaan keuangan yang terbaru/bulanan untuk
proyek sesuai dengan kesepakatan dengan staff proyek
- Memverifikasi dan mengkonsolidasi cashbook dari transaksi keuangan
bulanan ke dalam system keuangan organisasi
- Menyiapkan laporan bulanan organisasi sesuai keperluan organisasi.

2. Bekerjasama dengan staf proyek, dalam proses budgeting, monitoring dan
evaluasi serta mengkaji laporan keuangan mitra proyek

3. Membuat system finansial bersama mitra proyek untuk menjamin
praktek-praktek yang baik dan akuntabel

4. Bertanggungjawab terhadap dokumentasi keuangan dan system
pendokumentasian keuangan dari proyek dan pelaksanaan program organisasi

 *Kompetensi/Kualifikasi Kunci*

1. Memiliki pengalaman kerja minimal 3 tahun dibidang keuangan/akunting

2. Diutamakan perempuan

3. Pendidikan minimal D3 Akutansi (S1 akuntansi diutamakan)

4. Terlatih dan memiliki pengalaman kerja dalam akunting, budgeting dan
pengelolaan keuangan (diutamakan)

5. Memiliki pengalaman dan pengetahuan terkait pelaporan untuk donor,
merupakan nilai tambah

6. Mampu menggunakan computer (MS office dan email) dan internet

7. Mempunyai ketrampilan komunikasi yang baik dan dapat berbahasa Inggris
secara aktif

8. Mampu bekerja sendirian/independent, punya rasa tanggungjawab dan

9. Ketrampilan hubungan interpersonal yang baik dan memiliki pengalaman
bekerja dalam tim kecil

10. Mempunyai perhatian terhadap detil dan teliti

11. Tertarik untuk bekerja di LSM

12. Memiliki komitmen untuk bekerja di organisasi untuk mencapai
visi/misinya, termasuk kesetaraan gender, kesempatan yang sama dll yang
sesuai dengan nilai2 yang dianut organisasi

*2. Project Assistant*

Durasi kontrak selama 1 tahun dengan 3 bulan percobaan dan kemungkinan
perpanjangan di akhir kontrak.

 *Tanggung Jawab Kunci:*


1. Membantu Project Officer untuk memberikan dukungan pada organisasi mitra
proyek, melalui kunjungan dan dialog teratur, dengan memberikan perhatian

- Penilaian proyek, monitoring dan evaluasi, termasuk monitoring keuangan
- Mengidentifikasi kebutuhan untuk pengembangan kapasitas, dengan
berperan sebagai narasumber dan/ mengidentifikasi narasumber yang bisa
memberikan asistensi pengembangan kapasitas
- Berjejaring dengan mitra (dan non mitra) secara bersama untuk
mengembangkan pengalaman mereka.

2. Mengidentifikasi daerah, kelompok dan inisiatif baru yang mana organisasi
dapat membantu, mengkaji hal ini dan melaporkannya pada proyek
officer/coordinator, termasuk untuk fund raising dan kesempatan pendanaan

3. Menjamin bahwa semua kerja organsasi mempertimbangkan dan mengatasi
masalah ketidak setaraan gender, termasuk memberikan asistensi pada mitra
organisasi untuk perencanaan program dan pelaksanaan program yang adil

4. Menghasilkan laporan tertulis untuk semua kegiatan yang berinteraksi
dengan mitra, termasuk laporan kunjungan regular, untuk keperluan organisasi

5. Membuat draft laporan naratif proyek untuk donor yang diserahkan pada PO

6. Melaksanakan kerja-kerja administrative yang dibutukhkan bersama mitra,
sesuai dengan kebijakan dan prosedur keuangan organisasi

7. Membangun kerjasama dengan staff organisasi pemerintah dan organisasi non
pemerintah serta organisasi tinggkat nasional/lokal lainnya sesuai kebutuhan
untuk mencapai tujuan dari proyek

8. Memberikan update teratur kepada Proyek Officer terkait perkembangan
dalam pelaksanaan proyek, status dari proyek dan perkembangan lainnya yang
bisa mempengaruhi kerja-kerja proyek/organisasi

 *Kompetensi/Kualifikasi Kunci*


1. Diutamakan Perempuan atau Waria

2. Pendidikan minimal SMU

3. Memiliki pengalaman kerja dengan LSM lokal atau organsisasi akar
rumput/komunitas minimal 3 (tiga) tahun, dan memiliki pengetahuan dan
pemahaman terkait situasi dan lingkungan LSM di Indonesia, dinamika dan cara

4. Mampu berbahasa Inggris lebih diutamakan

5. Paham soal isu-isu HIV, gender dan HAM dalam pembangunan dan berkomitmen
untuk mempromosikan kesetaraan gender dan pemenuhan HAM

6. Mampu mengoperasikan komputer minimal program microsoft office (word,
excel dan power point) dan internet.

7. Mampu bekerja sesuai inisiatif sendiri untuk membangun dan mengembangkan
tugasnya, dengan kemampuan untuk bekerja secara efektif sebagai bagian dari
sebuah tim

8. Memiliki ketrampilan komunikasi verbal dan tertulis yang baik

9. Mampu mengembangkan relasi dengan orang lain yang berasal dari latar
belakang yang berbeda (seperti kelompok pecandu, Waria, Gay, Pekerja Sex dan
orang dengan HIV/AIDS)

Kirimkan surat lamaran dan CV paling lambat tanggal 5 Agustus 2011 dan
ditujukan kepada :

*Human Resources Development IAC* dengan alamat email :

Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi syarat yang akan dihubungi oleh IAC.

*IAC sangat mendukung orang hidup dengan HIV dan AIDS (ODHA) untuk bekerja
bersama kami.*
READ MORE - Lowongan Desk Finance Officer dan Project Officer

Vacancy Driver in IOM Takengon

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International Organization for Migration (IOM) Indonesia is looking for
Driver according to the terms of reference below. Interested candidates
are invited to submit their applications to
not later than 01 August 2011 indicating the reference code below as
subject. All candidates are requested to specify their availability date
in the application form. Please note that only short-listed candidates
will be contacted.

Reference No : SVN/ID10/2011/041

Position Title : Driver

Duty Station : Takengon

Classification : General Service Staff, Grade 1

Type & duration of contract: Special All Inclusive Contract, 3
months with possibility of extension

General Function:

Under the direct supervision of the Procurement & Logistics Assistant II
and the overall supervision of the Project Manager, the incumbent is
responsible for providing driving and ensuring maintenance/security of
the IOM office vehicle to support the "Sustainable Economic Growth
for Aceh - Bener Meriah and Aceh Tengah Districts" project. In
particular, he will:

1. Drive IOM vehicle(s) and transport authorized personnel

2. Adhere to IOM code of conduct and to UNDSS / MOSS Compliance; as
well as the Indonesian Code of Transit rules and regulations for road

3. Responsible for the day to day maintenance of the assigned
vehicle to ensure roadworthiness of the vehicles. This includes daily
check of tires, brakes, engine oil, fan belt, etc

4. Arrange for minor repairs and ensures that the vehicles are kept

5. Keep records of spare parts for the vehicle and conduct monthly
inventory of the spare parts

6. Ensure that the vehicle undertake regular service intervals and
maintain cleanliness of the in and outside part of the vehicle

7. Make sure that the vehicle always has full tank and is
technically ready, prior departure for field trips

8. Find the most direct routing over the best available roads to
the destination

9. Ensure that the IOM vehicles(s) is used only for
official/authorized business, as advised by the supervisor

10. Ensure that the daily log sheet is prepared and a monthly report of
prepared summarizing statistics linked to mileage, fuel consumption, etc

11. Keep a high degree of confidentially and discreteness in
discussions and travels, which involves IOM and its officials

12. Take proper measurements to reduce potential security threats to
IOM officials or property within the immediate vicinity of the vehicle
and along transport routes.

13. Ensure that the steps requires by the local rules and regulations
(pertaining to driving) are taken in case of involvement in accident.

14. Maintain vehicle logbook that will be checked daily by the
Procurement & logistics Assistant, verified by staff using the vehicle
services; and monitored by the Administrative/Finance Assistant.

15. Assigned occasionally to run errands / works for the office.

16. Well known Takengon and Bener Meriah area

17. Perform other duties as may be required and as per assigned by the
Logistics department and or Head of Sub-Office.

Desirable Qualifications

Minimum high school degree. National driving license category A or B.
Degree or relevant experience in mechanical engineer is advantage; at
least 2 years experience in driving four wheel vehicles.

Knowledge of driving rules and regulations and skills in minor vehicle
repair. Clean police records. Good knowledge of Banda Aceh area, in
particular the IOM project operating areas (Banda Aceh, Takengon and
surrounding areas).

Good knowledge of the local language and working language of English.
READ MORE - Vacancy Driver in IOM Takengon

Vacant Position in Putra Sampoerna Foundation General Affair Officer-Office Management (Jakarta)

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The Putera Sampoerna Foundation (PSF) is the first Social Business Institution in Indonesia with the vision to create eminent and responsible future leaders and entrepreneurs for Indonesia to face the challenges of global participation.

The Putera Sampoerna Foundation is the first non-profit organization to receive the ISO 9001:2008 certificate of quality management systems which are of international standard. Applying the principles of transparency and accountability in all its activities, the Putera Sampoerna Foundation has been trusted by more than 250 corporations, organizations and associations as a provider for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs. The Putera Sampoerna Foundation is periodically audited by a third-party international auditor and its report is published in the Putera Sampoerna Foundation's annual report.

Currently Putera Sampoerna Foundation is looking for high motivated candidates to fulfill the following positions:

General Affair Officer-Office Management (Jakarta)

1. To plan and provide availability of workspace, office supplies, other office facilities for new hire employees, as per information from Human Resources Services.
2. To develop draft SOP within Office Management area and submitted to GA Manager for review. To ensure that implementation is compliance with the SOP.
3. To plan and maintain availability of Office Supplies, and well organize storage. Do regular stock opname at every month end, and make sure fulfillment of employees’ request of deficit stock within a week.
4. To maintain Office Supplies on-line applications, and make sure it works properly, and it display real time status/balance. To propose improvements if necessary.
5. To provide schedule of Office Boys daily activities, monitor and do periodical assessment of their performance, which covers work environments & pantry, dining equipments, office machines, etc
6. Liaise with building management related to registration and payment of parking, electricity, Air Conditions, space rent & Service charge, phone bills, and other public facilities within the office
7. To provide various draft reports, i.e. monthly expenses reports under GA area of responsibility (parking, electricity, AC, etc), monthly budget realization.
9. To maintain updated filing system and records to be complied with ISO Standards.
10. Execute all other tasks as directed by the GA Manager that might also required to assist other team in GA or other related department; and substitute other GA team during their absence.

• Graduated from a reputable Business Administration, Management or any relevant studies (D3/S1)
• Possesses min 3-5 years work experience as GA Staff in handling administration and/or secretarial function
• Computer literate (Ms. Word, Ms. Power Point, Ms. Excel, Outlook Express, etc)
• Has sufficient English skill, both spoken and written
• Has good project management and time planning
• Has sufficient communication and interpersonal skills
• Excellent administrative skill.

Please submit your application letter addressing the selection criteria, along with a detailed CV and a list of three references. Please also state the job title codes and position titles in the e-mail subject. Please send your application by e-mail to:
For more information, visit:
READ MORE - Vacant Position in Putra Sampoerna Foundation General Affair Officer-Office Management (Jakarta)

Vacant Position in Care Internasional ADMINISTRATION OFFICER

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CARE Indonesia in CII Head Quarter-Jakarta is currently recruiting the following position:



To provide technical support and administration services related to the expatriate legal documents and visitor visa process to the related GOI Institutions and provide assistance to the HRA Manager in maintaining relationship and coordination with the GOI Coordination Team and other GOI Institutions. The incumbent will also responsible in assisting to the Country Director in daily operation of CARE International Indonesia (CII) Jakarta Country Office.


Tasks 1:
Responsible for tasks related to visa, stay permit, working permit and various foreigner or international visitor registration:
- Prepare general correspondences; fax, reports and memos as requested
for visa and various kind of foreigner’s registration to visit
Indonesia comply with the rules, laws and regulations.
- Prepare interview process for expatriate to get the staying permits,
working permits and police registration through the legal process and
provide visa status reports.
- Maintain good coordination with other related unit such as program,
admin, and finance in processing visa and other foreigner’s
registration cost.
- Assist CARE’s staff in processing visa documents for international trip
and update the regulation change through SOP for visa registration

Task 2:
Responsible for maintain external communication with the relevant Government of Indonesia departments/ institutions:
- Maintain communication with the GOI Institution both related to the
visa and foreigner’s registration process and other related issues.
- Monitor information to the supervisor on government structure and new
regulation changed on INGOs from related GOI Institutions and manage
the correspondences as required.

Task 3:
Responsible for maintaining administrative support and coordination purpose to the GoI institutions:
- Provide the whole administrative and documentation system related to
visa and foreigner’s registration.
- Compile various SOP, key government regulations and other reference
documents related to GOI Liaison function and post to the intranet.
- Prepare documents required for GOI Team Meeting and expatriate staff
interview and taking minutes in various meeting with GOI Team.
- Organize meetings with the GOI Coordination Team, includes organizing
event with Coordination Team including Monitoring and Evaluation,
National Coordination Meeting (Rakornas) with the support from
sub-office staff and local government staff.
- Assist supervisor to compile and collect documents including CARE
Annual Report, Annual Work Plan and maintain documents related to MoU
and agreements with GOI.
- Assist supervisor to providing technical support to other internal
units on issue related to the government permits.

Task 4:
Responsible for administrative/documentation and meeting:
- Hard copy filing, electronic filing, printing, faxing, scanning all
documents required by Country Director.
- Coordinate the translation of documents translation in-house or
external and dissemination of memo and announcement to all CII staffs
both of country office and sub-offices.
- Collecting document for CD’s signature, including preparation of
request for payments for items related to Country Director.
- Support on correspondences and management of business calls.
- Record and arrange agenda schedule for Country Director and also record
of leave and travel schedule.
- Ensure the travel arrangement such booking ticket & accommodation,
prepare travel request form (TRF), prepare Travel Expense Report (TER)
is doing properly and assist any other business, international visitor
and consultants as requested.

Task 5:
Responsible for other administrative support duties related to Country Office operation, consultants, etc.:
- Processing all matters related to the contract/ agreement with RMA, law
firm and other country office non-project consultants as required and
report to supervisor.
- Processing of domicile letter renewal issued by local government and
distribute to the internal units.
- Processing, maintaining on lease agreements and deposit for office and
residences and report to supervisor.
- Prepare ROP for documents retention to after submit from project
- Any other duties that maybe reasonably assigned by the supervisor.

1 Admin Assistant

• Male/Female
• Bachelor degree in administration, secretarial, management or social
• Have a minimum 3 (three) years experiences in the relevant field.
• Strong communication skill, negotiation, and seeking information.
• Ability to communicate in English (both written and spoken)
• Computer literate (MS Word, Excel, and Power Point)
• Ability to adapt with changing situation
• Ability to work in team and under pressure
• Good interpersonal skills
• Good personal approach
• Attention to details
• Good in teamwork & Collaboration
• Good Planning & Organizing

Jakarta 95%; Travel 5%


CARE is an equal opportunity employer offering a competitive salary and benefits package, and a collegial working environment. Applicants are invited to send a cover letter illustrating their suitability for the above positions, and detailed curriculum vitae, with names and addresses of three referees (including telephone, fax numbers and email address). Please DO NOT attached academic transcripts and Diplomas and state clearly the applied position code in the email subject.

Please submit your applications before August 2, 2011 to CARE International Indonesia, Human Resources Unit:

"Only qualified applicants will be shortlisted"
READ MORE - Vacant Position in Care Internasional ADMINISTRATION OFFICER

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