Minggu, 31 Juli 2011 · 0 komentar

CARE International Indonesia (CII), as an international NGO, has carried out large scale operations in Indonesia, encompassing emergency operations, transitional activities centered on agriculture and nutrition and a range of development initiatives in such areas as water and sanitation, health and micro-credit.

CARE Indonesia in Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan is currently recruiting the following position:


The following is the Terms of Reference TOR for above position.

The Kalimantan Forests and Climate Partnership (KFCP) is a REDD demonstration activity in Central Kalimantan under the Indonesia Australia Forest Carbon Partnership (IAFCP). The goal of KFCP is to demonstrate a credible, equitable, and effective approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, including from the degradation of peat lands that can inform a post-2012 global climate change agreement and enable Indonesia’s meaningful participation in future international carbon markets. One aim of the activity (output 1.3) is to reduce threats to the forest through economic incentives linked to sustainable livelihoods compatible with REDD and community-based forest management.

KFCP is located in the Kapuas district of Central Kalimantan, within the Ex-Mega Rice Project area. The district and provincial development planning agencies (BAPPEDA) and the Ministry of Forestry are the key government partners. About 14,000 mostly Ngaju Dayak people live in 14 settlements within the area. Rubber is the most important key commodity for farmers in the KFCP area and offers the most immediate and significant prospects for improvement. Therefore, the focus of KFCP’s efforts so far has been to improve the quality and value of rubber produced by local farmers while developing incentives to reduce GHG emissions through changes in land use.

The livelihood development strategy centres around two key approaches:
- Participatory technology development through farmer field schools. The
strength of farmer field schools (FFS) lies in a two way communication
between farmer groups and extension agents, drawing on applied research
and technologies suited to local conditions.
- Value chain restructuring. Income from rubber is sub-optimal due to
limited access to markets and information. This results in low prices
for commodities at the farm gate. Rubber produced in the region is of
low quality, and this creates additional costs for processors and
traders. Potential to realize additional value from the rubber harvest
is therefore high through restructuring existing value chains by
working with farmers, traders, and processors.

These approaches emphasize capacity-building of partners including farmers, local government agencies, and NGOs.

The community-based livelihoods improvement program has been split into two phases: (1) a pilot phase, already completed in two villages, that engaged local government and community representatives to field-test key elements of the intervention; and (2) an implementation phase, lasting for two years, that will scale up to engage farmers in all communities in the KFCP area, establish and operate farmer field schools and other facilities, and improve on-farm capacity and incomes.

A key advantage of the approach taken during the pilot phase was its focus on market development in order to motivate changes in farmer practice through the farmer field schools. KFCP now requires a dedicated team specializing in livelihoods improvement, with a focus on rubber and other commodities, to run Farmer Field Schools and other trainings. The work of the livelihoods improvement team will be closely coordinated with other aspects of community engagement, including village development planning, and KFCP interventions. The consultant will be a member of this team and provide critical technical input to the team, and Farmer Field Schools. The consultancy will be for two months, commencing as soon as possible, with potential for extension.

Rubber and REDD
Rapid improvements are possible with limited investments in the project areas. Farmers have shown an ability to cope with changing circumstances despite this happening at high environmental cost. As the forest is disappearing, rubber is emerging as a key component of a cash crop based economy. The challenge is to enhance productivity of rubber on mineral soils, in systems which maintain to a significant extent the carbon stock while delivering income to farmers and while restoring peat land. REDD should be used as the facilitative framework leading to more productive livelihoods and restored peat lands. This implies investment in stabilizing land tenure, development of appropriate technologies and adding value to sustainably produced rubber.

KFCP will provide incentives to invest in improved jungle rubber systems through REDD payments. Jungle rubber systems show room for productivity improvement. However, more extensive and thus less productive systems offer more scope for avoided deforestation and carbon sequestration through stock enhancement. Incentives can be provided for farmers to adopt these types of systems with an optimal mix of livelihood outputs.

An integrated approach is proposed, in which the project and key stakeholders work together jointly. This is centred on building strong partnerships between communities, extension workers and the KFCP project.

Position description
Title: Rubber crops management specialist
Location: Based in Palangkaraya with frequent travel to villages
in the KFCP area.
Period of service: Two months commencing as soon as possible (with
potential for extension)
Reporting to: Regional Program Manager of CARE Indonesia Central

Responsibilities and outputs
1. Assess the current cultural and agronomic practices of rubber farmers
and make recommendations for yield enhancement and quality improvement.
The consultant will develop a detailed report of current practices of
farmers to manage rubber crops in each unit settlement. This report
will provide inputs to the existing farmer field school curriculum,
- Difference between clones and regeneration through seeds. This
information will enable farmers to better select planting materials.
- Nursery management. Farmers receive training in grafting and basic
nursery management.
- Plot selection, choice of appropriate crop mixtures, use of peat
lands and proper peat land management for rubber on shallow peat.
This involves as well:
• Mitigate flood and acid soil impact through the introduction to
surjan or simpuk and jalur systems. Surjan is a system based on
raised beds, mostly through collecting organic matter (bush
vegetation, rice straw). Jalur is a traditional planting system
which will allow other forest plants to grow. In the end, this
practice will form jungle rubber or rubber agro-forest.
• Design of appropriate tree crop mixtures. Farmers are already
experimenting with mixed systems.
- Crop establishment, intercropping and tree care. Poor tree care
leads to diseases. In particular white root disease (Rigidoporus
micropus) which spreads through plantations. It can be controlled
biologically through trichoderma to be applied on a six monthly
- Better management of fire use. Farmers will be trained in improved
management of fire aiming at reducing reliance.
- Participatory monitoring through the use of farmer led
agro-ecosystem analysis. This tool which entails monitoring of crop
performance, observing weather patterns and changes in the
eco-systems has proven to be a powerful learning tool because it
structures observations farmers make on a daily basis well. The
results, drawings and graphs, allow for discussion and sharing of
2. Develop detailed implementation strategy in each KFCP unit settlements
to stimulate rubber agro-forests on mineral soils.

To stimulate rubber cultivation on mineral soils, fields and plots need to be identified. Farmers moving from peat land to other soils will incur additional costs. Acid sulphate soils are in particularly difficult to farm. Detailed farm monitoring, using systems CARE have used, should enable identifying a reasonable incentive level to stimulate farmers to move farmers out of peat lands. A hectare based systems is to be developed. This could include incentives for improved land and crop management.

The recommended strategy will be described in detail on the report. The consultant will present the findings to KFCP managers and district working group which will use it as basis to create input or performance-based payment.

Key Activities
1. Prepare work plan with CARE’s Community Engagement team in
Palangkaraya; field visits to observe farmers in managing rubber crops
in each each unit settlement.
2. Develop detailed report and recommendations.
3. Modify existing FFS curriculum.

Conduct of the work
During the contract the consultant will report directly to Regional Program Manager of CARE Indonesia Central Kalimantan. During the consultation period, the Community Engagement Team will assist the consultant by providing necessary resources as needed.

Qualifications and Work Experience
CARE seeks assistance from consultants/organizations with the following:

1. Demonstrated knowledge and experience:
- Expert knowledge of rubber plantations management and rubber
- Field related experience to rubber plantation.
2. The desired language skills for this position:
- High quality written and spoken English and Bahasa Indonesia.
- Highly desirable in written and spoken Dayak (Ngaju) and Banjar.
3. The desired competencies and interpersonal skills for this position:
- Willing to work in remote locations.
- Familiarity with multilateral, bilateral, and international NGO
program approach.
- Good communication skill.
- Good interpersonal skill.

Interested consultants are requested to express their interest in this assignment as follows:
• Brief narrative proposal on the approach to the assignment
• Estimate of fees for consultant and other costs if any
• CV including list of relevant assignments and any other factors that
demonstrate suitability for the assignment

Please submit your applications before August 4, 2011 to CARE International Indonesia, Human Resources Unit:

"Only qualified applicants will be shortlisted"

Vacant Position in Luwu, South Sulawesi: VILLAGE FACILITATOR (VF)

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CARE International Indonesia (CII), as an international NGO, has carried out large scale operations in Indonesia, encompassing emergency operations, transitional activities centered on agriculture and nutrition and a range of development initiatives in such areas as water and sanitation, health and micro-credit.

CARE Indonesia in Luwu, South Sulawesi is currently recruiting the following position:



This position will be supervised by District Facilitator. VF will work together with other CARE project Staff and other partner to design, planning and implementing activities in community with related institutions.

• Work with in co-operation with Local Government, opinion leaders,
religious groups, and community based organizations (CBOs), etc across
the target areas, providing information to the community about Building
coastal resilience to reduce climate change impact in Teluk Bone, South
Sulawesi (BCR CC) and its components.
• Organize meetings or events together with the village leaders and or
water committee for the purpose of project implementation.
• Facilitate and assist community organization to manage WSS and health
and hygiene education, reflecting gender equity and poverty targeting
• Build community capacity and assist community in developing the
Community Action Plan (CAP), related to the livelihood and climate
change adaptation.
• Address complaints and questions about the project and help ensure
transparency in all project implementation and decision making.
• Monitor and evaluate project activities in community level, in
coordination with Monev Officers.
• Provide timely and accurate progress reports for the supervisor and
other partners as appropriate.
• Monthly Update of Project Activities Reports (Including database,
indicator tracking tables, etc).
• Other tasks may reasonably requested by supervisor.

• Have a degree Public Health/Environmental/
• At least 3 years experience working with international and local non
government organizations
• Familiarity with community level participatory approaches
• Proven good ability as a Facilitator
• Facility with Excel and Word
• Demonstrated capacity to work as a team member

Travel : 80% on the area project covered

Please submit your applications before August 2, 2011 to CARE International Indonesia, Human Resources Unit:
READ MORE - Vacant Position in Luwu, South Sulawesi: VILLAGE FACILITATOR (VF)


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ISEAN-Hivos – HIV/AIDS (MARPS) Round 10
EoI Number 2: ISEAN-Hivos -GF-R10-HIV/AIDS
Issuance Date: 26 July, 2011

ISEAN-Hivos-GF-R10-HIV/AIDS - Implementation of Objective 1 and 2 of the “Strengthening community systems to reduce vulnerability to and impact of HIV infection on MSM and TG in Insular Southeast Asia” in Malaysia.


In 2010, the Insular Southeast Asian Network on Men who have sex with Men (MSM), Transgender People (TG), and HIV (ISEAN) and the Humanist Institute for Co-operation with Developing Countries (Hivos) jointly submitted a regional proposal to the Global Fund for AIDS, Malaria, and Tuberculosis (GFATM) Round 10. The programme, entitled ‘Strengthening Community Systems to Reduce Vulnerability to and Impact of HIV infection on MSM and TG in Insular Southeast Asia’, was approved by GFATM and contract for the grant is expected to be signed by 1 September 2011. This grant has the main goal of reducing (a) the vulnerability and risks of MSM and TG to HIV infection and (b) the impact of HIV on their lives in Insular Southeast Asia. It intends to address critical gaps in supporting and scaling up activities that reduce HIV/AIDS among MSMs and TGs.

Hivos, as the Principal Recipient of the grant is looking for interested and capable organizations in Malaysia that could serve as Technical Assistant (TA) to provide the following services that address the Grant’s Objective 1 and 2 for a two-year the period between October 1, 2011 to September 30, 2013 :

1. Conduct program inception meetings with community representatives and national stakeholders
2. Conduct consultations on the establishment of national MSM and TG networks
3. Conduct inception meetings and register national networks
4. Support national MSM and TG network staffing and operations
5. Conduct consultations and mobilization of CBOs and community groups for training and capacity building
6. Translate and modify regional CBO training modules
7. Conduct trainings for local CBO staff on institutional and program development and strategic planning
8. Conduct trainings for local CBO staff on community leadership, governance and mobilization
9. Translation/ adaptation of training modules on networking and advocacy
10. Conduct trainings on networking and advocacy for local CBOs/community actors
11. Provide operational support for local CBOs and networks to coordinate and engage with national and local authorities
12. Conduct a national policy dialogue and advocacy on MSM, TG and HIV-related issues
13. Establish community advocacy forums and conduct consultations with grassroots leaders and community members on MSM, TG and HIV issues and responses

An Expression of Interest (EoI) Letter, together with a company/organizational profile and track record must be received by 9 August, 2011 at the email addresses below by 17:00 hrs. Jakarta Western Indonesia Time and

Based on the initial set of EoIs, organizations will be formally invited to send in a full application. The invitation will be accompanied by a list of required documents for completion of the application process.

Vacant Position in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara: CONSULTANT AND NUMERATOR

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CARE International Indonesia (CII), as an international NGO, has carried out large scale operations in Indonesia, encompassing emergency operations, transitional activities centered on agriculture and nutrition and a range of development initiatives in such areas as water and sanitation, health and micro-credit.

CARE Indonesia in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara is currently recruiting the following position:


The following is the Terms of Reference TOR for above position.

1. Background
CARE International Indonesia (CII), recently is implementing SESAMA(Sustainable Settlement with Economic Security of Uprooted People & Their Host Communities through Strengthened & Adequate Mediation Approach) project in Kupang.

The overall objective of this project is to provide support in the sustainable settlements and livelihoods for those new citizens (ex-IDPs) left behind in the recovery process through the group’s active participation in the mainstream development planning and budgeting process.

Its specific objective is that 6,019 new citizens (IDPs) and host family households will have an enhanced sufficient access to land, shelter, community facilities, health and education services, livelihoods assets and skills and community decision-making to form the basis for sustainable settlement and livelihoods.
Through the socialization of the project and the results of community immersion by field facilitators, we can report that in general the conditions of new citizen in 15 assisted villages by SESAMA are very alarming. They are not only difficult to get land for agriculture activities to support them survival, lack access to clean water, health services and education, but even the status of the land they occupied house is also not clear of the ownership status at present and any time being evicted by landlords because they have not paid the land based on agreement formed before resettlement developed. They still continue to hope Jadup (Life Assurance) as promised by the government while still living in refugee camps that are not paid yet.

This condition greatly affects their level of security, comfortable and wellbeing and is potentially to blow up of the horizontal conflict between host communities. The same condition is also common for groups of poor and marginalized host community where they have similar difficulties to accessing of health care, quality education, water shortages and lack of land for agricultural subsystem. The” Patriaki “culture rooted in the lives of new citizen and the host community to provide a specific challenge for women especially for Female Household groups of the certification of land ownership and involvement in decision-making process in the village.

CII-SESAMA has conducted separately of HLSA (Household Livelihood Security Assessment) to assess qualitatively of lives and livelihoods of the new citizen and host community who are vulnerable in generally, integrated with the participative approach of PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal). The results of this assessment are intended to enrich the preparation of RPJMD (Medium Term Development Plan for the Village), both in substances and process that truly participatory and became the basis for future decision-making of program intervention.

In order to understand deeply of the initial state and the specific problems faced by communities in 15 villages specifically for the families who will be the main beneficiaries of this SESAMA project, the CII intent to carry out a baseline quantitative study on the lives and livelihoods of the new citizen and the vulnerable groups of the host community. This survey is performed by random sampling, who considering the representation of the new citizen, marginalized host community and the female household headed in all villages.

The development of baseline survey design especially of questionnaire will be done mainly through intensive discussion and coordination with CII-SESAMA team in Kupang to ensure that the tools developed will meet the project requirements and relevant for used in monitoring and assessing the achievement of the project in midterm review and final evaluation. The results from this baseline survey will be a reference to determine of performance indicator targets based on log frame indicators that will be measured at the middle and the end of project evaluation.

The questioner should be including at least items as follow:
• Measuring the level of family income with reference to SPHERE
• Identify the main livelihood activities of the family to build their
food security and coping mechanisms to face of difficulty situation.
• Identification of access and ownership of land as evidenced by a
certificate of ownership, especially for Female Household Headed .
• Identify the skills and potential of families to build food security.
• Identification of presence or absence of a balance of access to
existing resources for new citizen, host community, Female Household
Headed and Youths, including the opportunity to engage in community
social activities and decision making process.
• Identify the level of understanding, awareness and behavior of society
towards basic health, maternal child health, basic immunization,
nutrition and basic education of 9 years.

2. Objective
Baseline survey aims to understand the profile of lives and the livelihood of families both of new citizens and host communities and the Female Household Headed for the 6,019 families of SESAMA project beneficiaries in 15 assisted villages, with the presence or absence of an adequate sustainable access to housing, income and resources to meet their basic needs including adequate access to food, drinking water, health facilities, educational opportunities, and the time for public participation and social integration.

To carry out this Baseline survey, CII – SESAMA project unit is looking for an experienced and qualified organization or individual in conducting a quantitative Baseline survey to be Consultant position, and a number of persons to the position of Numerator that will be working closely with the Consultant. The main responsibilities of this Consultant as follows:
- Designing of tolls / questionnaire in accordance with the needs of
SESAMA project (refer to project log frame).
- Conducting training for the numerator on questioner and lead them in
data collection in the field.
- Conducting data entry with SPSS or other similar methods and is
scientifically justified.
- Data analysis and synthesis.
- Developing of Baseline survey report in Indonesia and English

3. Expected Outputs :
The consultant is expected to deliver following outputs:
- Draft final report is due within one week after ending the assignment.
- Final report is in English and Bahasa due within one week after having
received comments on the draft final report by CII-SESAMA.

4. Qualification and Consultant/Numerator Selection:
The selection of consultant (1 person) and Numerator (15 persons) will be selected based on their expertise and experience by CII-SESAMA project. The following points will be the basis of the selection:

General requirements of both Consultant and Numerator:
- Have an understanding and insight in terms of food security, land
security and infrastructure, public health, primary education, gender
and conflict management and advocacy.
- Demonstrated appropriate qualification and professional field and
- A successful track record of carrying out Baseline surveys including
maintaining high standards in data collection and managing survey
logistics. References should be provided that CII-SESAMA can
contact to confirm this track record.
- Good knowledge of the area and culture especially the official
language(s) of the area of survey will be done (Kupang District).

Specific requirements for consultant:
- Having experience in undertaking the quantitative Baseline survey and
having at least 10 years of experience in the field of sustainable
- Brief proposal (3-5 pages) that describes the interests, abilities,
experience in conducting similar survey (if any), insight into the
location and a basic idea of the implementation of these activities).
- Demonstrate abilities and skills of training facilitation.
- Proven abilities to develop narrative reporting in English version and
Bahasa (Attach an example of the narrative report developed).

5. Job Description
- Responsible to conduct a pre-assessment activities i.e. secondary
data review, institutional data review/mapping, stakeholders
identification and participation, Stakeholder participation in the design
of Assessment.
- Responsible to develop tools of Baseline survey based on needs of
project indicators.
- Conduct a capacity building/training for Numerator on questioner.
Responsible to lead primary Baseline survey data collection in 15
villages in Kupang Regency working with facilitator.
- To do the data verification in 15 villages.
- Responsible to lead the process of data analysis.
- Responsible to develop a draft and to complete a final report in
English and Bahasa.

- Following the capacity building / training for the use of tools.
- Responsible for the data collection process in accordance with
- Responsible for the accuracy of the data.
- Together with the consultant to verify data before data entry

6. Scope of Work and Schedule:
The selected Institutions or individuals will work intensively with the SESAMA project team and partners (YAO) in Kupang. Here is the approximate time and the main tasks that must be made in connection with the execution of this survey in detail as follows:

Steps, Duration, Main Activities, PIC
Preparation, 2 days, SESAMA Proposal and Log Frame review and understanding, Consultant
Preparation, 5 days, Develop tools/questioner, Consultant
Preparation, 1 day, Sampling design and preparation of field logistics and transportation, Consultant/ SESAMA Team
Preparation, 2 days, Training for numerator on Tools and standard procedure data collection, Consultant
Implementation of Baseline survey in 15 villages, 3 days, Data collection in 15 villages based on purposive sampling design, 15 Numerators
Data Verification, 1 day, Data validation and final check, Numerator and Consultant
Data Entry, 5 days, Data Entry, Numerator and Consultant
Data Analysis, 3 days, Data Analysis and synthesis, Consultant
Report Development, 5 days, Draft Report Development, Consultant
Report Development, 5 days, Final Report Development, Consultant
Distribution of Baseline Survey Report, 2 days Document Distribution to related sector, Tim SESAMA

7. Schedule and Location
The Baseline survey is planned to be conducted in August to September 2011 in 15 selected villages, 6 selected sub district, Kupang district, East Nusa Tenggara province as follows:

Number, Village, Sub District, Number of HH NZ, Number of HH HC, Distance from Kupang City
1. Oematnunu, Kupang Barat, 139, 265, 16 Km
2. Oebelo, Kupang Tengah, 750, 144, 19 Km
3. Noelbaki, Kupang Tengah, 466, 175, 16 Km
4. Tanah Merah, Kupang Tengah, 65, 636, 18 Km
5. Tuapukan, Kupang Timur, 703, 541, 22 Km
6. Naibonat, Kupang Timur, 1.121, 269, 40 Km
7. Tanah Putih, Kupang Timur, 15, 279, 20 Km
8. Nunkurus, Kupang Timur, 27, 721, 49 Km
9. Manusak, Kupang Timur, 454, 283, 42 Km
10. Oefafi, Kupang Timur, 166, 179, 26 Km
11. Merdeka, Kupang Timur, 75, 361, 22 Km
12. Tolnako, Fatuleu, 20, 471, 50 Km
13. Raknamo, Amabi Oefeto, 310, 95, 50 Km
14. Sulamu, Sulamu, 132, 247, 70 Km
15. Pantulan, Sulamu, 76, 359, 77 Km
Total, 4.519, 5.025

8. Budgeting and Payment system
CII-SESAMA will provide the entire cost of the implementation of Numerator training and cost for Baseline survey implementation in the field (15 villages). For the payment of Numerator fee will be paid after data entry is finished, while the payment of consultant fee will be done on stages based on spending days agreed and the achieved result as follows:
- The first payment will be made after the preparation phase (40% of
the total fee)
- The second payment will be made after the draft report is received
(50% of the total fee)
- The third payment will be made after the final report is received (100%
of the total fee)

9. Application Procedures:
Proposals should be kept to approximately 3-5 pages comprising these sections:
- Capability Statement: State the firm/organization or individual’s
experience delivering similar services in similar organizational and
geographic settings. Detail the skills and experiences of the
firm/organization’s key managers/staff related to the responsibilities of
the consultancy. The consultant’s CV shall be provided as an
- Technical Description: Provide an interpretation of the assignment,
detail the proposed work plan and timeline for the proposed activities
based on these Terms of Reference. This technical description is a
very important reference point in the process of selection, therefore
this component must be thoroughly developed and described
strategically the dynamics of work of the consultants/advisors
Assistant with the Numerator in the field.
- Financial Description: Provide detail budget Include all proposed
expenditures, including the remuneration on the basis of working
days, accommodation, travel expenses, when not living in Kupang
regency (see sect. 6 Scope of Work of Main/Senior Consultant and
Consultant Assistant).

Short-listing of Proposals will be evaluated and short-listed based on the following criteria:
- Experience of the organization/individual: outstanding track record of
accomplishment in delivering similar services in the target area or
similar activities, and relevant experience and skills of key personnel.
- Work plan/strategy: Excellent in technical quality of the proposal and
the practicality of the proposed approach to delivering the services.
- Costs: The most cost effective components.

Please submit your applications before August 2, 2011 to CARE International Indonesia, Human Resources Unit:

"Only qualified applicants will be shortlisted"
READ MORE - Vacant Position in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara: CONSULTANT AND NUMERATOR

Vacancy as Cashier - Mercy Corps

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Mercy Corps Indonesia
Open Vacancy

Dear All,

Please find below “Open
Position” in Mercy Corps Indonesia.

We are trying to find the
best possible candidates to make the Mercy Corps team stronger.

WEST SUMATERA (based in Mentawai)
Cashier– Mentawai Emergency Response
In its role as a support to Finance Department provides
timely reports and assistance to the Program team to ensure that financial
resources and admin are used efficiently and effectively.

The Cashier is responsible for assisting in Administration,
Property, Travel, accounting and documentation of all financial transactions in
timely and accurate manner, also other duties as position description.

This position will involve significant travel amongst the Mentawai Islands – with difficult living
conditions at time. The ideal candidate must be able to live in difficult field
conditions and manage professionally.


· One or more
years of bookkeeping, banking or cashiering experience and office

· A diploma in
accounting or a relevant business field is desirable.

· Strong computer
skills in MS Office programs, particularly Excel

· Accuracy in the
processing of cash transactions, mathematical aptitude and attention to detail

· Good in English

This position will be as a temporary staff for 3 months.

Please send your CV with
position applied on the email subject to:

Vacancy will be closed on 8 August 2011.

We look forward to hearing
from those who are interested in taking this opportunity to grow and develop
with us.


Human Resources Department

Mercy Corps Indonesia
READ MORE - Vacancy as Cashier - Mercy Corps

Vacant Position at Putera Sampoerna Foundation-Business Development Officer-Entrepreneur MEKAR (Jakarta)

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Putera Sampoerna Foundation

The Putera Sampoerna Foundation (PSF) is the first Social Business Institution in Indonesia with the vision to create eminent and responsible future leaders and entrepreneurs for Indonesia to face the challenges of global participation.
The Putera Sampoerna Foundation is the first non-profit organization to receive the ISO 9001:2008 certificate of quality management systems which are of international standard. Applying the principles of transparency and accountability in all its activities, the Putera Sampoerna Foundation has been trusted by more than 250 corporations, organizations and associations as a provider for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs. The Putera Sampoerna Foundation is periodically audited by a third-party international auditor and its report is published in the Putera Sampoerna Foundation's annual report.

Currently Putera Sampoerna Foundation is looking for high motivated candidates to fulfill the following positions:

Business Development Officer-Entrepreneur MEKAR (Jakarta)


• To create, develop long-standing relationships and opportunities with both existing and potential clients. Specifically clients that will be part of the MEKAR Entrepreneurship Network, this could include Stakeholders, Mentors and Entrepreneurs
• To lead, develop and implement particular business strategy which shape future program delivery and provide the best possible service and information to stakeholders while ensuring compliance with legislation within the Department’s responsibilities.
• Develop and manage the execution of annual business plans identifying key activities, priorities and risks.
• Develop, deliver and evaluate the SOP, Policies, and Existing Program Strategies
• Build relationships and manage the delivery of a consultation process with stakeholders in line with future strategies.
• Manage the delivery of a revised client service and consultation strategy.
• Ensure the department business continuity and recovery requirements are met.


• A degree in Business Administration, Marketing, or other suitable combination of post secondary education and industry experience.
• Minimum 5+ years of business development experience, ideally the majority of which was in a business development management role for consulting firms.
• Knowledge of incubating , mentoring and supporting Entrepreneurs.
• Financial management experience with strong business acumen.
• Excellent skills with MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint and familiarity with CRM databases.
• Knowledge of building a sustainable asset.
• Fluent in English (reading, writing, speaking).
• Excellent communication and presentation skill.
• Good analytical and conceptual skill.

Please submit your application letter addressing the selection criteria, along with a detailed CV and a list of three references. Please also state the job title codes and position titles in the e-mail subject. Please send your application by e-mail to:

For more information, visit: or

Only short-listed candidates that meet the above qualifications will be notified.
READ MORE - Vacant Position at Putera Sampoerna Foundation-Business Development Officer-Entrepreneur MEKAR (Jakarta)

Vacancy in Oxfam GB Indonesia : Project Administrative Assistant

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Oxfam GB adalah Organisasi Internasional Non-Profit
yang telah bekerja di lebih 70 negara untuk mengurangi kemiskinan dan
penderitaan dengan mendukung kegiatan pengembangan, kemanusiaan dan advokasi.
Saat ini kami mencari individu yang berkualitas dan
mempunyai motivasi yang tinggi untuk mendukung “Program Restorasi Penghidupan
Pesisir” kami di Sulawesi.

Project Administrative Assistant
Coastal Livelihood
Pos ini ditawarkan untuk jangka waktu
1 tahun dan berada di Makassar.

Sebagai Project Administrative Assistant,
anda akan bekerja untuk mendukung seluruh team pada bagian administrasi dan
aktivitas program. Anda harus efisien dan mempunyai pengalaman dalam bidang
administrasi, terutama dalam mendukung team program. Serta memiliki kemampuan
yang baik dalam berbahasa Inggris.

Untuk melamar, silakan mengirimkan Curriculum Vitae
disertai dengan surat lamaran ke Oxfam GB Eastern Indonesia melalui email ke :

Lamaran ditutup pada : 14 Agustus 2011.

Hanya kandidat yang masuk dalam short-list yang akan dihubungi.

Oxfam GB memberikan kesempatan yang sama dan mendorong perempuan untuk
melamar.Kami berkomitmen untuk memastikan kesetaraan gender dan keberagaman dalam
READ MORE - Vacancy in Oxfam GB Indonesia : Project Administrative Assistant

Vacancy for Finance Assistant (FA/CFI) Based in Yogyakarta

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Child Fund is an international child focused development agency working in 33 countries to create lasting and meaningful change in the lives of more than 11 million vulnerable, deprived and excluded children, families and communities, regardless of race, creed, gender or national origin. In Indonesia ChildFund has been operating for 34 years since 1973, in areas where the need is the greatest and currently reaches out directly to 900,000 children and family members in partnership with 50 local NGOs spread across 8
provinces. For more information please visit Child Fund Indonesia is currently seeking: Finance Assistant (Position Code: FA/CFI) Based in Yogyakarta
- Key Responsibilities: To assist the Zonal team/Country team with the financial management of the area program; Support the partners and project in day to day finance management, monitoring and reporting. - Qualifications: Degree in Finance, Accounting or related field of study. Min of 2 year’s work experience in finance sector, ChildFund requires electronic lodgment of applications. Please send by email your resume or CV &
include Job Title & Position Code in the email subject field. Please send your email to : recruitment@indonesia.childfund.orgDeadline for applications: Wednesday, 3 August 2011
READ MORE - Vacancy for Finance Assistant (FA/CFI) Based in Yogyakarta

Vacancy for Finance Assistant (FA/CFI) Based in Yogyakarta

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Child Fund is an international child focused development agency working in 33 countries to create lasting and meaningful change in the lives of more than 11 million vulnerable, deprived and excluded children, families and communities, regardless of race, creed, gender or national origin. In Indonesia ChildFund has been operating for 34 years since 1973, in areas where the need is the greatest and currently reaches out directly to 900,000 children and family members in partnership with 50 local NGOs spread across 8
provinces. For more information please visit Child Fund Indonesia is currently seeking: Finance Assistant (Position Code: FA/CFI) Based in Yogyakarta
- Key Responsibilities: To assist the Zonal team/Country team with the financial management of the area program; Support the partners and project in day to day finance management, monitoring and reporting. - Qualifications: Degree in Finance, Accounting or related field of study. Min of 2 year’s work experience in finance sector, ChildFund requires electronic lodgment of applications. Please send by email your resume or CV &
include Job Title & Position Code in the email subject field. Please send your email to : recruitment@indonesia.childfund.orgDeadline for applications: Wednesday, 3 August 2011
READ MORE - Vacancy for Finance Assistant (FA/CFI) Based in Yogyakarta

WVI - Job Opening : Auditor

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World Vision is one of the world’s largest international Christian humanitarian aid organizations.
World Vision Indonesia partners with local humanitarian foundation Wahana Visi Indonesia to implement its programs in more than 40 Program Offices across 9 provinces. World Vision has been working in Indonesia for more than 50 years and focusing programming effort on health, education and economic development across transformational development, humanitarian emergency affairs and advocacy ministries. We are also part of an active NGO consortium in the areas of advocacy, child protection, health, community empowerment and disaster management.
World Vision Indonesia is currently seeking the following positions:
1. Senior Auditor (code : SA)
- S1 degree in Accounting/Finance
- Must have prior auditing experience of at least 7 years in a recognized organization
- Good exposure in review Internal Control procedures and Risk Management
- Candidate with CPA/CIA/QIA is preferable
- Willing to travel frequently to any remote places in Indonesia
2. Auditor (code : Aud)
- Bachelor degree in Accounting/Finance/Management
- Min. 3 years audit experience
- Willing to travel frequently to any remote places in Indonesia

Submit your application with updated CV not later than 8 August 2011 to :
Human Resource Department World Vision Indonesia or visit our website at

All employment is conditioned upon satisfactory background checks.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
READ MORE - WVI - Job Opening : Auditor

Lowongan Marketing dan Sales di Perusahaan Kontraktor

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PT. Intermulti, perusahaan yang bergark dibidang kontraktor perumahan dan funiture , mengundang individu yang energik, kreatif, berjiwa kompetisi dan menyukai tantangan untuk berkarier dan berkembang bersama kami sebagai:

Sales & Marketing (Sales Leader - Kode : SL)
(Jakarta Raya)


Pria / Wanita, usia maksimal 35 tahun
Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun di bidang Penjualan & Pemasaran
Memiliki kemampuan Interpersonal yang baik dan jiwa SALES yang handal
Berpenampilan menarik dan komunikatif
Kreatif, Jujur, disiplin, kerja keras dan menyukai tantangan
Memiliki jejaring dan database yang luas
Mampu bekerja dengan target dan dibawah tekanan

Posisi di Jakarta :
Silahkan kirimkan Surat Lamaran (CV + Photo) dengan mencantumkan gaji yang diharapkan pada CV serta mencantumkan kode posisi pada sudut kanan amplop atau subyek email ke :
READ MORE - Lowongan Marketing dan Sales di Perusahaan Kontraktor


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The Indonesia Urban Water Sanitation and Hygiene (IUWASH) project is a
sixty-month program funded by the United States Agency for International
Development (USAID) and implemented under the leadership of DAI. IUWASH
works with government, the private sector, NGOs, community groups and other
stakeholders to improve access to safe water supply and sanitation in
Indonesia’s urban areas. The overall goal of IUWASH is to assist the
Government of Indonesia (GOI) in making significant progress in achieving
its safe water and sanitation Millennium Development Goal (MDG) targets by
expanding access to these services. The expected results to be achieved are:
2 million people in urban areas gain access to improved water supply;
200,000 people in urban areas gain access to improved sanitation facilities;
and the per unit water cost paid by the poor in targeted areas decreases by
at least 20%.

To achieve the above, assistance provided by the project is divided under
three main technical components, including:

- 1. Mobilizing demand for water supply and sanitation service

- 2. Improving and expanding capacity for water and sanitation
service delivery; and

- 3. Strengthening policy and the financial enabling environment for
improved water supply and sanitation service delivery.

IUWASH will apply different approaches and interventions with its local
partners, such as local government institutions, NGOs and communities for
the behavior change communication, capacity building and governance to
address water, sanitation and hygiene. In this respect IUWASH regional works
in the provinces of Central Java will be supported by Field Technical
Liaison (FTL) who is based at:

· Surakarta (code : FTL SRK) 1 position

· Kudus (code : FTL KDS) 1 position

· Kendal (code : FTL KDL) 1 position


The Field Technical Liaison will contribute to the achievement of program
activities in the respective cities/districts. S/he has responsibility to
build trust between the project and the local stakeholders. S/he works side
by side with IUWASH partners on a daily basis and represent the front line
of the project.

Her/his responsibilities will include, but not be limited to, the following:

· Support in the site selection process, community/field assessment
and identification of potential local partners for IUWASH to work with,
including local NGOs, community groups and local government entities such as
PDAM, Pokja AMPL (Dinas Kesehatan, Dinas PU, BLH, Bappeda), Puskesmas
(sanitarian), Posyandu and PKK cadres

· Assist in the identification and development of initiatives of
local governments, PDAM, private sectors/SMEs and NGOs related to
institutional and community-based water supply and sanitation project in
urban areas

· Support community engagement in the entire planning and
installation process of new sanitation and water supply system, including

· Provide supervision to and coordinate works with local NGOs
engaged in community mobilization and/or other pilot project implementation
in urban poor communities, including liaison and data collection to PDAM and
local government, for example with Pokja AMPL/Sanitation

· Provide supports for capacity building of CBOs/communities,
training facilitation, horizontal training activities (cross visit and CBO
networking activity), behavior change campaign and microfinance

· Support the monitoring and evaluation of the ongoing activities

· Support the coordination of field activities with other donor and
USAID-funded projects
· Contribute to the regular work plan, monitoring systems and
reporting of IUWASH results and outcomes, including regular submission of
field experience stories.
· Conduct other tasks as required by supervisor.


This position may require frequent travels other cities within IUWASH
project areas. S/he will report directly to Regional Coordinator for the day
to day activities


· Possess at least a university degree; preferably in environmental
engineering, public health or social science

· At least 3 years of experience working on institutional and
community-based water supply and sanitation program

· Excellent interpersonal skills, with experience in community
facilitation, training and organizing work

· Able to work independently in limited supervision/facility as well
as a team player with a range of people

· Ability to multi-task and flexibility to work on evenings and
weekend on occasion and to travel as and when required within the IUWASH
project area

· Computer literate and proficient in Microsoft Office tools

· Able to work in his/her designated areas


Please send a cover letter and complete curriculum vitae stated 3 referees
to by 12 August, 2011. Please indicate the
code of position you are applying for in the title of the email. Only
short-listed candidates will be notified.

Islamic Relief Vacancy - Livelihood Senior Officer

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Islamic Relief Worldwide is an International Non-Governmental Organization
(NGO) established in Birmingham, UK in 1984. Islamic Relief has a
consultative status (special category) with the economic and Social Council
of the United Nations is full member of British Overseas NGOs for
Development (BOND) and a signatory to the code of conduct for the
International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and NGOs in Disaster
Relief. It seeks to promote sustainable economic and social development by
working with local communities through relief and development programmes.
Islamic Relief Indonesia is part of Islamic Relief Worldwide which has been
working in Indonesia since 2003. Islamic Relief Indonesia provides service
and support to the communities in mandate areas, based on the MoU with
Department of Home Affairs. There are some initiative sectors under
Emergency and Development program such as Shelter, Water and Sanitation,
Health and Nutrition, Livelihood, Orphans, Education, Marines Fisheries, and
Disaster Preparedness and Response. Through these sectors, Islamic Relief
Indonesia plays significant role in alleviating the suffering and poverty of
the world's poorest people.

Islamic Relief (IR) through World Bank funded aims to develop an integrated
marine fisheries project that will provide better sustained livelihoods and
can be replicated in line with the objectives of Economic Development
Financing Facility (EDFF). This project will be done in line with
multidimensional studies to integrate economic fishing activities with
social, cultural, and environmental considerations. The main goal of this
sub-project is improving coastal community prosperity through integrated
marine fisheries management and better market access.

Islamic Relief seeks to hire committed and experienced persons for the
following positions:


Base at : SIngkil - Aceh
Contract Duration : 6 Months (extendable)
Frequent Official Travel

Key Duties and Responsibilities: To be responsible for the overall
livelihood issues of Sustainable Sea Fisheries project in Singkil. Included,

. Assist IR and Local Partner staff in supervising baseline or needs
assessment studies and develop work plans

. Planning, implementation and monitoring of project activities

. Supervise IR project staff to ensure that projects goals are met.

. Prepare training module and provide training to the project staff.

. Assist Local Partner staff in planning, implementation and monitoring
of project activities.

. Capacity building of livelihood technical aspect for IR and Local
Partner staff.

. Prepare monthly narrative and statistical progress report and submit to
Project Coordinator.

. In coordination with project coordinator and other senior staff,
prepare staff development plan and finalize staff appraisal process.

. Assist IR and Local Partner project coordinators in developing project
proposals for sustainable livelihood interventions for the targeted areas

. Represent IR at local level and keep good relationship with community
leaders and local government authorities.

. Any responsibility whenever line manager assigns.

Experience / Education

. A minimum of 5 years direct experience on livelihood activities

. A proven record of designing & implementing programmes

. Experience on community mobilizer

. Have experience working with INGOs

. Good understanding of development and relief issues as well as
appreciation of cultural and social differences.

Language: Excellent written and spoken English

IT skills: Excellent skills and knowledge of Windows, Office and Internet

General Skills

. Excellent networking, communication and interpersonal skills.

. Diplomacy, tact & negotiation skills.

. A commitment to work on a team basis and the ability to lead project

. Report writing skills.

. Budgeting.

. Problem solving skills.

. Research skills.

. Investigative skills


. Flexible & Patient.

. Ability to work on your own initiative as well as a part of a team.

. Sympathetic with aims & objectives of Islamic Relief.

. Energetic and able to operate in situations which may be arduous

If you meet the above requirements kindly send your detailed CV with
recommendations from 2 referees, (one of them your immediate former
to: Please put the job title and your name
in subject of your email.

Closing date: 5th August 2011
READ MORE - Islamic Relief Vacancy - Livelihood Senior Officer

Field Technical Liaison North Sumatra - 4 Postions

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The Indonesia Urban Water Sanitation and Hygiene (IUWASH) project is a
sixty-month program funded by the United States Agency for International
Development (USAID) and implemented under the leadership of DAI. IUWASH
works with government, the private sector, NGOs, community groups and other
stakeholders to improve access to safe water supply and sanitation in
Indonesia’s urban areas. The overall goal of IUWASH is to assist the
Government of Indonesia (GOI) in making significant progress in achieving
its safe water and sanitation Millennium Development Goal (MDG) targets by
expanding access to these services. The expected results to be achieved are:
2 million people in urban areas gain access to improved water supply;
200,000 people in urban areas gain access to improved sanitation facilities;
and the per unit water cost paid by the poor in targeted areas decreases by
at least 20%.

To achieve the above, assistance provided by the project is divided under
three main technical components, including:

- 1. Mobilizing demand for water supply and sanitation service
- 2. Improving and expanding capacity for water and sanitation
service delivery; and
- 3. Strengthening policy and the financial enabling environment for
improved water supply and sanitation service delivery.

IUWASH will apply different approaches and interventions with its local
partners, such as local government institutions, NGOs and communities for
the behavior change communication, capacity building and governance to
address water, sanitation and hygiene. In this respect IUWASH regional works
in the provinces of North Sumatera and Aceh will be supported by Field
Technical Liaison based at :

· *Medan** (code : FTL **MDN**) **
**1 position*

· *Binjai & Langkat** (code : FTL **BIL**) **
**1 position*

· *Tebing Tinggi & Pematang Siantar **(code : FTL **TTP**)
1 position*

· *Tanjung Balai (code:FTL **TBI)
1 position*

* *


The Field Technical Liaison will contribute to the achievement of program
activities in the respective cities/districts. S/he has responsibility to
build trust between the project and the local stakeholders. S/he works side
by side with IUWASH partners on a daily basis and represent the front line
of the project.

Her/his responsibilities will include, but not be limited to, the following:

· Support in the site selection process, community/field assessment
and identification of potential local partners for IUWASH to work with,
including local NGOs, community groups and local government entities such as
PDAM, Pokja AMPL (Dinas Kesehatan, Dinas PU, BLH, Bappeda), Puskesmas
(sanitarian), Posyandu and PKK cadres

· Assist in the identification and development of initiatives of
local governments, PDAM, private sectors/SMEs and NGOs related to
institutional and community-based water supply and sanitation project in
urban areas

· Support community engagement in the entire planning and
installation process of new sanitation and water supply system, including

· Provide supervision to and coordinate works with local NGOs
engaged in community mobilization and/or other pilot project implementation
in urban poor communities, including liaison and data collection to PDAM and
local government, for example with Pokja AMPL/Sanitation

· Provide supports for capacity building of CBOs/communities,
training facilitation, horizontal training activities (cross visit and CBO
networking activity), behavior change campaign and microfinance

· Support the monitoring and evaluation of the ongoing activities

· Support the coordination of field activities with other donor and
USAID-funded projects
· Contribute to the regular work plan, monitoring systems and
reporting of IUWASH results and outcomes, including regular submission of
field experience stories
· Conduct other tasks as required by supervisor.


This position may require frequent travels other cities within IUWASH
project areas. S/he will report directly to Regional Coordinator for the day
to day activities.


· Possess at least a university degree; preferably in environmental
engineering, public health or social science

· At least 3 years of experience working on institutional and
community-based water supply and sanitation program preferably DAI/USAID

· Excellent interpersonal skills, with experience in community
facilitation, training and organizing work

· Able to work independently in limited supervision/facility as well
as a team player with a range of people

· Ability to multi-task and flexibility to work on evenings and
weekend on occasion and to travel as and when required within the IUWASH
project area

· Computer literate and proficient in Microsoft Office tools

· Able to work in his/her designated areas


Please send a cover letter and complete curriculum vitae stated 3 referees
to by 12 August, 2011. Please indicate the
code of position you are applying for in the title of the email. Only
short-listed candidates will be notified.
READ MORE - Field Technical Liaison North Sumatra - 4 Postions

Lowongan Manajer Program

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Lowongan Manajer Program

Kami bersama mitra lokal kami sedang melaksanakan program kesehatan
masyarakat di Papua, yang meliputi HIV/TB, Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak, dan
isu-isu kesehatan yang kontekstual di daerah tersebut.

Kami membutuhkan seorang putra/putri terbaik Indonesia yang
berpengalaman untuk posisi Manajer Program dengan kualifikasi sebagai


- Minimal D3 bidang kesehatan masyarakat, kedokteran, pembangunan
sosial, atau disiplin studi yang relevan
- Pengalaman minimal dua tahun di program serupa
- Memiliki kemampuan manajerial, monitoring dan evaluasi, dan pemahaman
mengenai manajemen program sosial
- Bersedia tinggal di lokasi program
- Memiliki kemampuan untuk mengembangkan Standard Operating Procedure
(SOP) dan pengelolaan anggaran - Bisa mengoperasikan komputer
- Bisa berbahasa Inggris aktif dan pasif
- Pelamar yang pernah bekerja di Papua atau daerah Indonesia timur
lainnya akan diistimewakan Kirim CV, surat lamaran serta gaji yang
diinginkan melalui email kesehatan_masyarakat2011@
paling lambat 4 Agustus
2011 pukul 17.00 WIB

Untuk posisi ini kami menyediakan kompensasi beserta fasilitas dan
tunjangan yang kompetitif.
READ MORE - Lowongan Manajer Program

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